Friday, August 9, 2024

Week of August 12th-16th

 The first 2 days of school were packed with procedures and expectations to set your child up for success!  I must tell you how much I adore this class already.  They are respectful, kind, help others, and willing to take on challenges making my job seem super easy! See below for 1st day pictures.

I still need a few things from you, the parents.  Please send in any of the following items ASAP if you still need to.
  • Getting To Know You paper (sent home in mail over summer)
  • Meet the Student paper (sent home in mail over summer)
  • Picture of your child 
This upcoming week:
ELA: STAR testing and ELA benchmark ICA all week
Math: Multiplication Fact Practice (1/2 sheet for homework)
          Math Benchmark ICA-STAR Math
HOMEWORK: (Blue homework folder due every day)
This week students will begin with reading for 20 min each night.  All 4 entries on the reading log must be filled out, signed, and turned in on Friday. 
Also, students will work on a 1/2 sheet of multiplication facts. It is to be completed at home and worked on with a page protector to erase and time themselves each time.  I provided them with a page protector and an expo marker today.  Have them practice several times and then the final time can be in pencil.  

If students don't return their math sheet, they will complete another one at recess the next day.

Dates to Remember:
8/12-HOUSE sorting for 3rd grade at ball wall
8/12-16 - Scholastic Book Fair (1:00-3:00 Mon-Fri/ Tues 6:00-7 in Lions' Den
8/13-Back to School Night CSC-There will be 2 sessions starting at 5:30. The second session will be at 6:00. - I hope to see you all there!
8/26-1st-trimester electives, second session, success academy begins
9/2-Labor Day - NO SCHOOL