Friday, August 9, 2019

First 2 Days Were a Success!

The first 2 days were a success!  I must tell you how much I adore this class already.  They are respectful, kind, help others, and willing to take on challenges making my job seem super easy! They had a jam-packed fun assembly this morning for house assignments. They are really excited about their new 'HOUSE" they belong to from now to the time they leave ILCS.  Please ask them about it and make sure they wear their colored house shirt every Tuesday, if possible. (check below for pics)

I still need a few things from you, the parents.  Please send in ASAP any of the following items if you have not done so yet.
  • Getting To Know You paper (sent home in mail over summer)
  • Meet the Student paper (sent home in mail over summer)
  • Picture of your child 
  • ILCS Student Agreement (Blue paper)
  • Free and Reduced Lunch Application (not mandatory)
This upcoming week:
ELA: STAR testing and ELA benchmark all week
Math: Multiplication Fact Practice in class
          Math Benchmark
          Pretest Topic 1 Understanding Mult./Div. of whole numbers
HOMEWORK: (Black homework folder due every day)
This week students will only have just reading for 20 min each night.  All 4 entries on the reading log must be filled out and signed and turned in on Friday. 

Dates to Remember:
8/13-Back to School Night CSC-There will be 2 sessions starting at 5:30. The second session will be at 6:00. - I hope to see you all there!
8/26-1st-trimester electives, second session, success academy begins
9/2-No school 
9/28-ILF Golf Tournament

9/6-CSC Picture Day

 You should have received a parentsquare email explaining the new fun HOUSE groups that have been added to our schoolwide ROAR rollout. Here are our HOUSE GROUPS!

Have a great weekend Team Urban!!