Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Welcome to 3rd Grade 2019-2020

3rd Grade Hooray!!

I hope you all had an amazing, relaxing, fun-filled summer! It is going to be an awesome year of learning and growing together. I can't wait to fill the year with exciting learning experiences for everyone!

You will receive an envelope soon containing a few things:

  • About me letter
  • About your student form for them to fill out (bring on the first day)
  • Getting to Know You form for parent(s) to fill out and return
  • Encouraging a growth mindset at home
  • Importance of reading each day
Also, please have your child bring in a picture of themselves for the first day of school. This will be going up on our Future Leaders door in the class. 

The first two days of school will consist of establishing expectations and procedures throughout the day along with our ROAR expectations.  If you are not familiar with ROAR it is an acronym for our school-wide expectations in class and around the school.  

  • R - Respect Self, Others, and Property
  • O - Own your Actions
  • A - Act Safely
  • R - Rise to Servant Leadership
These terms will be a common language in our classroom along with teaching the students about the 7 Habits for Kids and how to have a growth mindset!

Here is the link to the school supplies requested for the class. Again, this is only a suggested list and in no way do you need to purchase these items through Amazon. Our class is always in need of Clorox Wipes for the desks.  It is amazing how dirty they get after a day. Also, we are good on tissue boxes right now as well.  Those can come in later in the year as I have a hard time making storage room for them.

Amazon School Supply List and Class Wish List

We are always in need of good books as well, especially starting at the 5th-grade level.  If you have any books you have previously read, and are appropriate for a 3rd grader's eyes, we would love any donations you may have! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Here are a few dates to remember:

8/8-First day of school
8/13-Back to School Night CSC-There will be 2 sessions starting at 5:30. The second session will be at 6:00. - I hope to see you all there!
8/26-1st-trimester electives, second session, success academy begins
9/2-No school 
9/6-CSC Picture Day

I look forward to meeting our team on Aug. 8 and beginning our 3rd-grade journey together this year!  Good communication sets us all up for a successful year. Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions please email me at  

Team Urban