Saturday, June 1, 2019

Last 3 Days of 3rd Grade 18-19

Team Urban,

3 more days of 3rd Grade! This year has been so memorable and I am honored to have been your child's 3rd-grade teacher.  I look forward to watching them grow throughout their years here at ILCS.

Here is a video of the activities we had this past week such as Art Barn Painting, Class Market, 8th grade Leader Buddies, and finally our incoming 3rd graders from the 2nd-grade visit.
Highlights of painting, class market, etc.

Last 3 days of 3rd-grade happenings:

Monday, June 3rd: Class Party with ice cream and fun class awards 12-1

Tuesday, June 4th: Awards Assembly 8:15am at ball wall
(blue slips went home with students on Friday if they were receiving an award.)

Wednesday, June 5th: CSC Field Day and Tyler Davis Day

Have a great weekend Team Urban!