Friday, August 23, 2019

August 26-30

Team Urban,

This second full week students really stretched their brains learning new things such as commutative property and division, restating a question with an answer, mapping out a personal narrative with transitional phrases, all while having a growth mindset.
Learning new things can sometimes create challenges. Challenges we may have never had before. As we have been applying our monthly habit of growth mindset in class, students may exhibit a fixed mindset at home. Try to reinforce at home that mistakes and challenges help us to grow and learn. Thank you for all your support at home, as our partnership together makes your child more successful throughout the year.

Thank you to Mrs. Diercks and Mrs. Cary for decorating my door and class for my birthday. It was a fun surprise for myself and the students! Also, thank you to all the families that sent in a card, gift, or special treat. I am so grateful for our ILCS families. Your kindness and generosity are above and beyond!

Mrs. Diercks and Mrs. Cary will be our Room Moms for Team Urban! Thank you!!

THIS WEEK: (All sessions begin: Second Session, Success Academy, and Electives)

Reading: Case of the Gasping Garbage

  • Determine main idea and details
  • Writing: Finish personal narrative 
  • Spelling: Plurals: s, es, ies

  1. pennies
  2. inches
  3. plants
  4. families
  5. bodies
  6. glasses
  7. wishes
  8. pockets
  9. lists
  10. copies
  11. parties
  12. bunches
  13. crashes
  14. supplies
  15. pencils
  16. accidents
  17. libraries
  18. mysteries
  19. carpenters
  20. merchants
Science: Magnetism Gizmo


  • Review Topic 1 
  • Posttest Topic 1 (Aug. 28)
  • Pretest Topic 4 Use Multiplication to Divide: Division Facts
-Read 20 min each night and sign reading log (due Friday)
-Math fact practice 1/2 sheet (due every day)

Important Dates:
8/26-1st-trimester electives, second session, success academy begin
8/30-Assessment Logs go home-sign and return
9/2-No school 
9/28-ILF Golf Tournament
9/6-CSC Picture Day

Have a great weekend Team Urban!