Friday, February 1, 2019

Week 23 Feb. 4th -9th

Team Urban,

We FINALLY won Lucy the Lion today for Spirit Day.  We have been working on our chanting, excitement level,  and overall spirit for a while now. Today they were actually excited we won!

Today, January Assessment Logs went home. Please review them with your child and sign and return the log on Monday. 
One score you will see on the log that may be considerably lower than other scores is Topic 11 Post test for math.  Overall, this was a difficult topic on two-step word problems using all four operations.  We will continue to work on this concept for the remainder of the year. 

It's hard to believe that Spring Break is right around the corner. Please mark your calendars as February 28th is the last day to AR. Also, since second trimester conferences are optional, for many, we will be hosting Student-Led conferences during the week of March 12th - 16th. More details on the specific date and time coming soon.

Also, please remember that ILCS is a leadership school and service is something we value greatly. Your kiddo is required to complete a service project and 8 hours of service. The project will be due in May. 

Our class will be having a small Valentine's Day celebration on February 14th from 12-1. If you can contribute to the celebration, we would greatly appreciate your donation. Thank you to those families who have already made contributions. Please know that your child does not have to distribute Valentine cards, but if they choose to, they must include everyone in the class. Please send in an empty Capri Sun box for your child to decorate with their leader buddies.

Student Led Conferences will be held Tuesday, March 12th from 1:30-3:30.  Be prepared to attend during that time as your child will be sharing their progress with you. 

Begin reading Natural Disasters. Students will discuss how readers use text features and structure to better comprehend texts, and how writers develop a topic with facts, details and linking phrases.
Conventions: adverbs 
Writing: informative/explanatory   
Spelling: homophones   
1. to 
2. too 
3. two 
4. week 
5. weak 
6. road 
7. rode 
8. stair 
9. stare 
10. bear 
11. bare 
12. write 
13. right 
14. new 
15. knew 
16. their 
17. there 
18. they’re 
19. weather 
20. whether  

Topic #12: Understand Fractions as Numbers
Friday, Feb. 8: Topic 12 Post test

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 80 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log
Google Classroom: Read attached article and RACE respond

Dates to Remember:
Monday, February 11th: No school 
Thursday, February 14th: Valentine Celebration 12-1
Monday, February 18th: No school
Thursday, February 28th: Last day to AR and end of 2nd trimester
Tuesday, March 12th: Student Led Conferences 1:30-3:30