Saturday, January 26, 2019

Week 22 Jan. 28th - Feb. 1

Team Urban,

The end of the 2nd trimester is right around the corner. Please remember that February 28th is the last day to AR. 

Also, please remember that ILCS is a leadership school and service is something we value greatly. Each student is required to complete a service project of their 8 hours of service. The project will be due the first week in May. 

Our class will be having a Valentine's Day celebration on February 14th from 12-1. Please know that your child does not have to distribute Valentine cards, but if they choose to, they must include everyone in the class. I have uploaded the class names in the photo below. We are also wanting each student to bring in a Capri Sun box or similar item to decorate for the day. Thank you for helping our celebration be a success!

Review how readers determine the central message, lesson, or moral of a story, and discuss how writers support a point of view when writing and opinion essay.
Conventions: prefix, baseword and suffix
Writing: opinion performance task 
Spelling: Suffixes
1. dentist
2. editor
3. artist
4. hostess
5. actress
6. swimmer
7. seller
8. tutor
9. tourist
10. organist
11. lioness
12. shipper
13. chemist
14. investor
15. conductor
Challenge Words
16. announcer 
17. pharmacist
18. journalist
19. commuter
20. pianist

Begin Topic #12: Understand Fractions as Numbers

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 80 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log
"Turn In" Google Classroom writing - please remember to hit submit when you're finished.

Dates to Remember:
Thursday, January 31st: January assessment log will go home
Friday, February 1st:
Monday, February 11th: No school
Thursday, February 14th: Valentine's Day Celebration 12-1
Monday, February 18th: No school

Have a great week Team Urban!