Friday, January 18, 2019

Week 21 Jan. 21-25

Team Urban,

In Science this month, students have been learning about environmental traits that are natural and inherited.  This last week, students had a task to design an environment in which their mining company had to design and relocate a pond that had it's habitat affected by the mining nearby. Here students are planning and implementing their collaborative design. It was so much fun to see them all work together and not want to stop working on their project.

Here are the final projects from each group.  Hard to tell from the pictures, but they include details such as zip lines, mining tracks with carts, and small plants and animals.

February 28th is the last day of the second trimester, and it will be the last day to AR. Since second trimester conferences are optional, for many, we will be hosting Student-Led conferences during March. Students will be self-reflecting upon their growth over the last two trimesters, and I know it would mean a lot to them for you to set aside a small amount of time that week to come in and watch them present their conference to you. More details on the specific date and time coming soon.

Just a friendly reminder that ILCS is a leadership school and service is something we value greatly. Each student is required to complete a service project to present their 8 hours of service this year. The project and presentation will be due in May.


Due Daily: Math facts

Due on Friday: 80 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log

"Turn In" Google Classroom writing - please remember to hit submit when finished.

Begin reading: Paul Bunyan

Discuss how readers determine the central message, lesson, or moral of a story, and discuss how writers support a point of view when writing and opinion essay.

Conventions: adjectives and pronouns

Writing: opinion of two reading passages

Spelling: Prefixes
1. prepaid
2. midnight
3. overflow
4. outdoors
5. outline
6. overgrown
7. prefix
8. Midwest
9. pretest
10. midpoint
11. outgoing
12. overtime
13. overdue
14. outside
15. outfield
Challenge words:
16. precaution
17. prediction
18. midsection
19. overweight
20. prehistoric


Topic 10: Class average was 82%!!! Students earn extra recess on Friday when they meet their class goal of 80% or higher on a test.

Begin Topic 11: Use Operations with Whole Numbers to solve two step word problems

Dates to Remember:
1/21: No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/25: Paul Bunyan Test
1/25: Topic 11 Test

Have a great week Team Urban!