Friday, February 8, 2019

Week 24 Feb. 11-15

Team Urban,

This week students read about some Natural Disasters. To help further their understanding, students created Multi-Flow maps depicting the cause and effect relationship in the non-fiction text.

Student-Led Conferences:
The end of the second trimester and Spring Break are right around the corner. Please mark your calendars as February 28th is the last day to AR and the final day of the 2nd trimester. Since second-trimester conferences are optional for many, our class will be hosting Student-Led conferences on Tuesday, March 12th from 1:30-3:30. I will be making Monday and Wednesday, from 2-3:30, available for one-on-one conferences requested by myself or you. I will contact you shortly if I would like to have a one-to-one conference with you. If you would like to have a one-to-one conference with me, please email me by Friday, March 1st so I can plan accordingly.

Community Service Project:
Also, please remember that ILCS is a leadership school and service is something we value greatly. Your kiddo is required to complete a service project representing their completion of 8 hours of service throughout the year. The project will be due in early May. 

Valentine's Day:
Our class will be having a small Valentine's Day celebration on Thursday, February 14th from 12-1pm. Thank you to those families who have already contributed. Please know that your child does not have to distribute Valentine cards, but if they choose to, they must include everyone in the class. Thank you for helping our celebration be a success!

Discuss how readers use text features and structure to better comprehend texts, and how writers develop a topic with facts, details and linking phrases.
Conventions: past-tense verbs
Writing: informative/explanatory (Natural Disaster Writing) 
Spelling: vowel sound/spellings: a, au, augh, aw, al, ou, ough
1. because
2. though
3. taught
4. bought
5. touch
6. would
7. author
8. could
9. enough
10. sausage
11. fought
12. should
13. faucet
14. daughter
15. brought
Challenge words:
16. laundry
17. distraught
18. afterthought
19. auditorium
20. overwrought

Test Tuesday and Wednesday covering Topics 1-12.

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 60 minutes (3 entries) in Reading Log
Google Classroom

Dates to Remember:
Monday, February 11th: No school
Thursday, February 14th: Valentine Celebration from 12-1pm
Friday, February 15th: ELA Natural Disasters assessment
Monday, February 18th: No school
Thursday, February 28th: Last day to AR and end of 2nd trimester

Tuesday, March 12th: Student Led Conferences 1: 30- 3:30

Have a great week Team Urban!