Friday, October 12, 2018

Week 10 Oct. 15-19

Team Urban,

This upcoming week is going to be full of spirit and fun! If students are not dressing out for spirit week, they will still be required to adhere to the school dress code.

Here is the spirit schedule for the week:
  • Monday - Color Splash Monday-go crazy with color 
  • Tuesday - Tacky Tourist Tuesday
  • Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday
  • Thursday - Throwback Thursday-Dress as your favorite decade
  • Friday - Pajama Day Friday
Here are some pictures of students working on finding the key details in chapters and stating the main idea from Treasure in the Trees.

Field Trip:
Here is a recap of some important information for our Safari Park Field Trip on Oct. 29th.

-Can I drive my child to and from the field trip? Yes.

-Can I drive my child's friend? Only if their parent is in the car as well.

-Can I just drive my child straight to the Safari Park without coming to school at 6:30am.? No.  You and your child must check in with me at school and then sign them out into your custody at school.

-Can I go if I am not picked as a chaperone? Yes, however, you will still need to pay at the group rate of $15 to me before Oct. 26th.

-Can siblings go? As long as they are in your care and you are not an assigned chaperone.

-Can I bring a sibling if I am a chaperone? No.

-Can I stay with my child at the Safari Park when the school leaves? Yes, as long as you meet us at the time/place of departure to sign your child over to your supervision.

-Can I/husband be a chaperone? Yes, as long as you/husband have your current Megan's Law clearance on file in the office.

-How will I know if I am a chaperone? I will notify you by person or email by the end of this week.

-Do I need to ride the bus if I am a chaperone? No, but it is expected that you are there upon our arrival at Safari Park if you choose to drive yourself.

-What is the cost for a chaperone and non-chaperone? Chaperones are included in the group rate, and non-chaperones will need to pay the group rate of $15 to me before Oct. 26th. If not, it will be full price the day of the field trip.

-Do we have to pay for parking? No, but you must mention you are with ILCS (Inland Leaders Charter School) at the parking lot entrance.

-Please check on Parent Square for our arrival at the park and back to school. We are expected to be back at school between 3:30pm and 4pm.

This month, our school is focusing on Owning Actions for ROAR. We set a class goal about owning our actions with homework due each day/week. Our class had a discussion and set a goal for all students turn in homework 90% of the time each week. We will be charting our progress each week.

This week:

Due Daily: Math facts
Reading Log: Students should be writing down what they read every day for 20 min.  Parents: please sign reading log if reading was completed.  When looking at each student's AR goal, the students who are doing nightly reading are achieving their goals and their growth in reading is evident. Many reading logs are still blank for October. November 2nd is the last day for students to take AR tests for the 1st trimester.  As of right now, 3 students are still below 50% of their AR goal.  

Our ELA focus this week will be:
  • Writing: narrative  
  • Spelling: no spelling this week
  • Review for cumulative math test Topics 1-4
Dates to Remember: 
  • Monday, October 15th -19th: Spirit Week
  • Oct. 18th: Disaster Drill
  • Oct. 19th: Parent sign ups for conferences go out digitally
  • Oct. 22nd: Food drive begins
  • Oct. 29th: Apex Fun Run begins
  • Oct. 30th: Apex Fun Run Assembly
  • Nov. 2nd: Last day to AR and meet goal
Have a great week Team Urban!