Friday, October 19, 2018

Week 11 Oct. 22-26

Team Urban,

With the end of the 1st trimester approaching, conference email signups will go out at 3:00 pm on Friday the 19th. Please remember each conference time is scheduled for 20 min.  I know this time is short, however, make sure you are on time so other sibling conferences are not impacted. If you are late, please email me to reschedule for another time slot.  

Students have until Nov. 2nd to make their AR goal for the first trimester. 

Field Trip Chaperones: Chaperones are free of charge.  All other parents who wish to attend the field trip, unless you have a pass, must pay $15 to me before Oct. 26th. 

  • Mrs. Ferguson
  • Mrs. Reyes
  • Mr. Casavan
  • Mrs. Amick
Here are some great pictures from Mrs. Pettit from the Spirit Days this week at school.

This Week:

  • Read The Athabascans
  • Discuss how readers use evidence from texts to understand what they read, and discuss how writers include characters dialogue and actions to affect the events in a story. 
  • Conventions: adverbs and capitalization 
  • Writing:  finish narrative  
  • Spelling: Compound words
  1. sunglassess
  2. football
  3. homework
  4. haircut
  5. popcorn
  6. railroad
  7. snowstorm
  8. earring
  9. scarecrow
  10. blueberry
  11. butterflies
  12. lawnmower
  13. campground
  14. sandbox
  15. toothbrush
  16. thumbtacks
  17. earthquake
  18. scrapbook
  19. courthouse
  20. whirlpool
  • Begin Topic 5 - Understanding patterns in multiplication (If your child needs/wants extra practice for the Topic, it is always assigned to them from their pretest)
  • Math Facts due Daily
  • Google Classroom question due Friday
  • 4 Reading Log entries due Friday
Dates to Remember:
  • Monday, October 22nd - Food Drive begins
  • Friday, October 26th- Spelling Test, Athabascans Test, STAR reading test
  • Monday, October 29th - Safari Park Field Trip
  • Tuesday, Oct. 30th - Apex Fun Run Assembly
  • Wednesday, Oct. 31st - Halloween Celebration in class 11-1
  • Friday, November 2nd - Last day to meet AR goal
  • Friday, November 2nd - Oct. Assessment Log goes home
Have a great week Team Urban!