Friday, September 28, 2018

Week 8 Oct. 1-5

Team Urban,

Assessment Logs for September went home today. Please sign and return.  What do these scores mean? A score of 70% is considered mastery according to the Pearson program.  However, an assessment score of 70% is made up of several reading, writing, and math standards to get that score. Within those standards being assessed on each assessment, there can be a standard or more that a student is not showing mastery yet, even though a 70% was achieved.  

Attached to the Sept. Assessment Log is a recent report of your child's books they have read so far in this trimester.  At the end of the report, you will see a green highlighted number.  This is the grade level average (ATOS BL) your child is reading for their AR selection choices. Please be aware, in the 2nd trimester, their reading zones will be set in AR.  If they choose a book below their good fit zone, they will not be allowed to take the AR test unless I approve the test. Additionally, the end of the trimester is fast approaching.  Students should be at 60% or higher at this time for success in AR goals. There is approximately 1 month left for students to accomplish their AR goals.  


ELA: students will continue working on main idea and supporting details in literature while reading Treasure in the Trees.

Writing: Expository (writing about Earth)

Spelling: -le spelling patterns

1. handle
2. trouble
3. simple
4. people
5. middle
6. table
7. little
8. gentle
9. poodle
10. pickle
11. noodle
12. saddle
13. juggle
14. uncle
15. riddle
Challenge Words:
16. example
17. throttle
18. obstacle
19. miracle
20. muscle

Math: Topic 3 Post Test on TUESDAY. Please have your child review and rework the pretest by Tuesday.
We will begin Topic 4-Using multiplication to divide.

Science: We have completed the Forces and Motions Unit.  Students will begin Electrical and Magnetic Forces this week.

Sept. Assessment Log: Please review, sign and return Monday.

FIELD TRIP: 3rd grade is going on their first field trip to the Safari Park in Escondido, Ca.  The permission slip will go home by this Friday, so please sign and return it as soon as possible. 
-When: Oct. 29th, (Monday)
-Time: Arrive at 6:30am in our classroom
-Depart school: 6:45am on one bus
-Return time: 4:00pm (depending on traffic)
-Items to bring: small backpack, sack lunch, walking shoes, ILCS shirt, water, sunscreen.
-Transportation: 1 bus
-Dollar A Day donation

Answers to some frequently asked questions are below:

-Can I drive my child to and from? -Yes, the more the merrier. We are actually encouraging you to do so for this field trip.
-Can I drive my child's friend?-Only if their parent is in the car as well.
-Can I just drive my child straight to the Safari Park without coming to school at 6:30am.?-No.  You and your child must check in with me at school and then sign them out into your custody at school. 
-Can I go if I am not picked as a chaperone?- Yes, however, you will still need to pay at the group rate and your child must remain with their assigned group. 
-Can siblings go?-As long as they are in your care and you are not an assigned chaperone.
-Can I bring a sibling if I am a chaperone?-No.
-Can I stay with my child at the Safari Park when the school leaves?-Yes, as long as you meet us at the time/place of departure to sign your child over to your supervision.
-Can I/husband be a chaperone?-Yes, as long as you/husband have your current Megan's Law clearance on file in the office.
-How do I let you know I want to chaperone?-Sign bottom of permission slip.
-How will I know if I am a chaperone?-I will notify you by person or email as soon as I have all the permission slips.
-Do I need to ride the bus if I am a chaperone?-No, but it is expected that you are there upon our arrival at Safari Park if you chose to drive yourself.

I think that covers almost all of the most frequently asked questions when attending a field trip.  If you have one I have not answered, please email me.

Homework: Passes for perfect monthly attendance and homework went home on today. I hope to have more students in homework club for the month of Oct. 
Each week:
-Reading 20 min and record in reading log/sign
-Google Classroom RACE response due Friday morning
-Math facts sheet due every day 

Last, I sent all families on Team Urban a quick email last week to touch bases with you regarding your child and any concerns you may have.  I have heard from a few, but I really would love to hear back from you all, either way.  I know the weeks go by quickly and before you know it, we are busy with the holidays and report cards. Every child matters!

Dates to remember:
10.02 WALK-tober- Walk/Bike to School Day
10.02 Assessment Logs Due
10.05 Lions’ Picnic Family Night @ CSC Field 4:30pm
10.11 Make-Up Pictures (Both CSC and BSC Campuses)
10.15-19 Spirit Week

10.22 Nov 9- Food Drive

Have a great week Team Urban!