Friday, September 7, 2018

Week 5 Sept. 9-13

Team Urban,

We began our STEMscopes science unit on Forces and Motion.  Here are a few pictures from some activities we did learning about balanced and unbalanced forces.  You can also follow Team Urban on Instagram @urbanlegends3rdgrade for more pictures from our instagrammer Ella B.

Homework: Each week your child should have:

  • 4 Reading log entries (80 minutes total) Due Friday
  • Google Classroom writing (sign in using their ILCS email/password) Due Friday 
  • Math Fact Practice DUE DAILY
  • Any unfinished work from the day due the next day

-Review The Case of the Gasping Garbage and Thunder Cake.
Continue discussing how readers understand the characters' motivations and the effects of their actions and how writers write about characters and show the sequence of events in a story?
-Conventions: review nouns and verbs.  
-Writing: narrative 
-Spelling: Vowel Digraphs
-Reading Test on Friday on vocabulary and concepts learned from Thundercake story.

Spelling words:

  1. clean 
  2. agree
  3. teeth
  4. dream
  5. grain
  6. coach
  7. display
  8. window
  9. shadow
  10. cheese
  11. peach
  12. braid
  13. Sunday
  14. float
  15. thrown
  16. entertain
  17. complain
  18. bleachers
  19. willow
  20. wheat

Math: TOPIC 2 Posttest on Tuesday 9/11. PLEASE have your child review their pretest and be ready to show me the evidence on paper in class before Tuesday.
-Begin Topic 3 Apply Properties: Multiplication facts for 3,4,6,7,8

Science: Continue with Forces and Motion Module

Dates to Remember: 

  • Tuesday, September 11th: Patriot’s Day/Red, White, and Blue 

Spirit Day. Please note that if your student is not participating in the Spirit Day, they must uphold the Dress for Success Policy. 

  • Tuesday, September 11th: Math Topic 2 Test (Review Pretest on Pearson).
  • Friday, September 14th: ELA Thundercake Test, Spelling Test

  • Wednesday, September 12th: Science Camp Dinner Night @ Tuscano's until 8pm
  • Saturday, September 15th: ILF Golf Tournament
  • Tuesday, October 2nd: WALKtober- Walk/Bike to School Day
  • Friday, October 5th: Lions' Picnic Family Night from 4:30pm - 9:00pm
 Have a great week Team Urban!