Friday, August 31, 2018

Week 4 Sept. 3-7

Team Urban,
Woohoo!  Happy 3 day weekend!  I hope you all have a relaxing weekend! 

Since there is no school Monday, if your child is normally scheduled to attend Second Session on Monday, please note they will attend on Friday. 

Picture day is this Friday, September 7th. Envelopes went home on Friday for Picture Day.  Please bring the envelope filled out with your child's name even if you are not purchasing pictures. It helps with the organization of yearbook pictures and identification of each student.

Mrs. Pettit came and took a wonderful class picture of Team Urban this last week. Follow us on Instagram @urbanlegends3rdgrade to see weekly pictures as well.


Our focus this week will be:

Continue reading The Case of the Gasping Garbage while focusing on character actions and motivations, sequence of events, citing textual evidence, temporal words, setting, plot and theme.

Spelling: base words and endings -ed, -ing, -er, -est

* = Challenge Words

Conventions: irregular plurals, verbs, and irregular verbs

Science: Begin Force and Motion Unit

Math: Continue Topic 2: Multiplication Facts: 0,1,2,5,9 and 10

Students have been progressing nicely on their one minute timed test.  Remember, it is imperative students study these at home for successful mastery of their multiplication facts.


Sign and return Assessment Logs (sent home Friday)

-20 min. of nightly reading in reading log

-Spelling words (according to Pretest brought home)

-Math fact practice (due next day)

-Writing: Google Classroom response to reading (Due Friday) 
Students will need to reference Pearson story Gasping Garbage for this assignment.

  • Students log into Google Classroom from ILCS Links
  • sign in with their Google Classroom password/login
  • Click on Team Urban 18-19
  • Click on newest posted question and respond using RACE response (see picture below for reference).

Parents, please do not hesitate to email me and I will respond as quick as I can if you are having trouble logging into Google Classroom.

Have a great week Team Urban!