Friday, August 24, 2018

Week 3 August 27-31

Team Urban,

Second full week of school and first full week of academic instruction is complete. BIG BIRTHDAY THANK YOU'S! All the generous and thoughtful gifts for my birthday were greatly appreciated! You are all so kind!

Additionally, the class was surprised from Trent Pettit, Finn Casavan, and their families this week.  They cleaned and decorated our back patio.  Spider webs gone!! Instead, there are colorful plants, decorations, and lanterns.  Here are some pics of the students enjoying the patio during their brain break.

To see more pictures, follow our class on Instagram @urbanlegends3rdgrade

Assessment Logs will be sent home this coming Friday, 8/31. I highly recommend checking Pearson every week to see scores from any assessments we have taken within that program.  Here are the steps below: (link to the right).

  1. Go to
  2. Have your child log in with their known log in info
  3. Click on classes
  4. Go to Assignments and review scores for:
                  a. Daily math quick checks
                  b. Reading Quiz (Location, Location, Location)
                  c. ELA Baseline and Math End of Year tests

Homework has started. Students should be doing the following:

  1. Reading for 20min. every day and record/sign on reading log.
  2. Complete fact practice 1/2 sheet and return every day.
  3. Practice incorrect spelling words from Monday Pretest.
  4. Google Classroom writing response homework starts 9/4. This will be due every Friday morning. NOTE: Students have been taught how to log into Google Classroom and answer the prompt using a RACE response.  To be honest, many of them are still in the learning process.  I just want to see what they can do on their own with their writing, and what we need to work on in class.  It is ok if it is not perfect.  They will grow and learn and we continue to practice every week.
Remember, students will get a Homework Pass for completing their homework on time.

This week:
- Begin reading Case of the Gasping Garbage
- Continue discussing how readers understand the characters' motivations and the effects of their actions and how writers write about characters.
- Conventions: past tense verbs and plurals
- Writing: R.A.C.E and double bubble map
- Spelling: -s, -es and -ies

1. pennies
2. inches
3. plants
4. families
5. bodies
6. glasses
7. wishes
8. pockets
9. lists
10. copies
11. parties
12. bunches
13. crashes
14. supplies
15. pencils
16. accidents
17. libraries
18. mysteries
19. carpenters
20. merchants

- Finish Topic #1 Understand Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers-Test Wednesday
- Begin Topic #2 Multiplication Facts: Use Patterns

Electives, Second Session and Success Academy begin this week. 

Upcoming dates:
8/27:Board meeting
8/29 Topic 1 math test
9/3:No school
9/7:Picture Day

Have a great week Team Urban!