Saturday, August 18, 2018

Week 2 Aug. 20-24

Team Urban,

Our first full week of school is complete with much success!  This past week students' mindsets were challenged through baseline assessments in ELA and math, math topic 1 Pretest, along with timed fact practice.  

Thank you all for coming to Back to School Night last week.  It was short, but nice to give you a 30min. snapshot of the class.  

Here are some selfies students took of themselves when completing the statement: "I believe in my #selfie when I _________. Students learned that they must believe in themselves first before they can change their mindset.


Read: Location, Location, Location 
Begin to discuss how readers understand the characters' motivations and the effects of their actions and how writers write about characters and show the sequence of events in a story.
Conventions: nouns/verbs
Spelling words: VC/CV

1. happen
2. lettuce
3. basket
4. winter
5. sister
6. problem
7. supper
8. lesson
9. spelling
10. napkin
11. collar
12. traffic
13. subject
14. suggest
15. puppet
 challenge words:
16. skillet
17. picnic
18. planet
19. system
20. pumpkin

Continue Topic #1 understand multiplication and division of whole numbers


  • Read 20min. each night (record on log)
  • Fact practice 1/2 sheet (due daily)
  • Study misspelled words from Monday's pretest

Students have been practicing their multiplication facts all week and many are already leveling up. This week it will become mandatory to complete and return the next day along with 20 minutes of nightly reading written on reading log.

We love our volunteers! A volunteer sign up list has been put up on the parent square email.  

Email me if you have any questions!

Have a great week Team Urban!