Friday, August 10, 2018

Week 1: Fun and Done!

Welcome Team Urban!

The first two days were a success! I am looking forward to a successful year with these sweet kiddos! Here are a few things we covered in the last two days:

  • ROAR expectations
  • How to choose Good Fit Books
  • Math skills inventory 
  • Thinking Maps - Circle Map
  • Class Procedures
This week is Baseline Assessment Week:
  • Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
  • Continue Thinking Maps - Circle Map
  • STAR Reading Test
  • ELA Pearson Benchmark Test
  • Math Pearson Benchmark Test
  • Pearson Math Topic 1 Pretest 
  • Begin Math Topic 1: Multiplication
-Homework consists right now of only 20 min of reading. Students are expected to fill out reading log each night with parent signature. Additional homework will be added the week of August 20th.
-Looking forward to seeing you all at Back to School Night on August 14th, Tuesday, at 5:30, in our class, room 5.
-Please send in completed papers in manila envelope from office.
-Please send in papers I sent home over summer along with photo     of your child if you have not done so yet.

Here are pictures of Team Urban from the first two days of school.

Have a great weekend! If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Mrs. Urban