Team Urban,
Here is the video highlights from last week! It includes two Leaders of the Week, pictures of students who dressed up as their favorite book character, and a skit about being proactive vs. reactive in the classroom.
Week 26 Highlights
Leader of the current week: Joey Tyree
As we approach student-led conferences I just wanted to remind you that ILCS is an end of year mastery school. This means that we are working towards mastery by the end of third grade. Some kiddos will not meet end of the year mastery at this point and could very well be a 2 in some areas as they work towards end of year mastery of a 3. Keep in mind when looking at assessment logs, the % score is composed of several standards assessed in that test to come up with a total score. For example, a Reading Test score of 80% is made up of several reading/writing standards. Within those standards being assessed, there can be a standard or so that a student is not showing mastery even though an 80% is achieved. Sign and return February Assessment Logs that were sent home Friday.
We will be hosting Student-Led conferences on Wednesday, March 14th from 1:30pm - 3:30pm. Conferences are held open-house style.
Service Projects
Please remember that ILCS is a leadership school and service is something we value greatly. Your kiddo is required to complete a service project and 8 hours of service and their projects are due early May. Our grade level service project will be completed after Spring Break and all of our contributions will go to help YAPS.
Field Trip
Third grade will be going on a field trip to the California Theater in San Bernardino on Friday, March 16th. We will be seeing Beauty and the Beast. We are excited for this opportunity to see a Performing Arts show! Please donate to Dollar-A-Day as theses funds are what support our field trips. Tickets cost $12.50 per student.
This week:
To further drive our instructional needs towards mastery on end of year state testing, we will be completing a performance task in ELA and math this week, and the Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) for ELA and math next week. Please remember that the IAB's are to drive instruction and will not be recorded on your child's report card however; you will see their scores on the assessment logs we send home. Since performance tasks will be given this week, and IAB's will be given next week, we will not have spelling words for this week and next week.
Topic #13: Fraction equivalences and Comparisons
Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 180 minutes (4 entries x 45 minutes) in Reading Log
Google Classroom
Dates to Remember:
Monday, March 5th: Return February assessment logs signed for a HW pass
Monday, March 5th: Talent Show 5pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday, March 7th: Spring Pictures (packets went home Friday)
Friday, March 9th: End of Electives, Second Session & Success Academy- 2nd Trimester
Friday, March 9th: CSC End of Trimester Assembly at 11:30am
Friday, March 9th: ILCS Family Fun Night at Reign Hockey
Wednesday, March 14th: Student-Led Conferences from 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Friday, March 16th: Beauty and the Beast
March 19th - April 2nd: Spring Break