Sunday, February 25, 2018

Week 26 Feb. 26-March 2

Team Urban,

Here is the video link to Week 25 video highlights.

Week 25 HIghlights

There are 3 more days for 2nd trimester.  It ends on Feb. 28th.  The AR deadline is also Feb. 28th.  

Week of March 12th-Conference Week 
We will be having our classroom open on Wednesday, March 14th from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Come by and see us! We look forward to seeing you! 
If you wish to conference with me, please email me by the end of this week to schedule our time.  My days for private conferences are on March 12-13 only from 1:45-3:30.

March 2nd is Read Across America/Dr. Seuss Day. Dress as your favorite book character.

This week:


Spelling: au, aw, augh, al
Writing: Finish Natural Disaster expository writing/Google Slides Unit 3 ELA Test
Fluency Reading Test
Star Reading Test for the 3rd trimester

Cumulative Topics 1-8 Test (Mon.)
Begin Topic 13
Equivalent Fractions

4 reading log entries due Friday
Google Classroom due Friday
Fact Practice each night due the next day

Dates to Remember:
February 28th: Last day to AR and end of 2nd trimester
March 14th: Student Led Conferences 1:30- 3:00
March 16th: Field Trip to San Bernardino Performing Arts Theater
March 5th: Talent Show
March 9th: Ontario Reign Family Fun Night
March 9th: End of the Trimester Awards Assembly (K-8:05am, 1st-2nd 8:35am, 3rd-4th 11:30am, 5th-6th 12:00pm)
March 12-16: Spirit Week
March 13th: 66’ers HIt the Books Assembly (Lions’ Den)  3rd-4th Grade 12:00-12:20p 5th and 6th Grade 12:30-12:50p

March 16th: Last Day to purchase yearbooks

Have a great week Team Urban!