Thanks again to all the parents who sent in items for the party and who showed up to help out on Valentine's Day.
Here is a quick video from the week to show more charade snippets as well as pictures from the party.
Week 24 Video Movie
Leader of the current week: Joshua Perry
Field Trip:
Third grade will be going on a field trip to the California Theater in San Bernardino on Friday, March 16th. We will be seeing Beauty and the Beast. We are excited for this opportunity to see a Performing Arts show! Please donate to Dollar-A-Day as these funds are what support our field trips. Tickets cost $12.50 per student. Please understand that seat/tickets are assigned since this is a theater performance.
Discuss how readers use text features and structure to better comprehend texts, and how writers develop a topic with facts, details and linking phrases.
Conventions: past-tense verbs
Writing: informative/explanatory (Natural Disaster Report)
Spelling: Homophones
Finish Topic #12: Understand Fractions as Numbers
Topic 12 Assessment Thursday
Cumulative Topic 1-8 Assessment Friday
Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 60 minutes (3 entries) in Reading Log
Google Classroom
Dates to Remember:
Monday, February 19th: No school
Saturday, February 24th: Gala
Wednesday, February 28th: Last day to AR and end of 2nd trimester
Wednesday, March 14th: Student Led Conferences 1:30- 3:00
Friday, March 16th: Field Trip to San Bernardino Performing Arts Theater
Have a great week Team Urban!