Sunday, February 25, 2018

Week 26 Feb. 26-March 2

Team Urban,

Here is the video link to Week 25 video highlights.

Week 25 HIghlights

There are 3 more days for 2nd trimester.  It ends on Feb. 28th.  The AR deadline is also Feb. 28th.  

Week of March 12th-Conference Week 
We will be having our classroom open on Wednesday, March 14th from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Come by and see us! We look forward to seeing you! 
If you wish to conference with me, please email me by the end of this week to schedule our time.  My days for private conferences are on March 12-13 only from 1:45-3:30.

March 2nd is Read Across America/Dr. Seuss Day. Dress as your favorite book character.

This week:


Spelling: au, aw, augh, al
Writing: Finish Natural Disaster expository writing/Google Slides Unit 3 ELA Test
Fluency Reading Test
Star Reading Test for the 3rd trimester

Cumulative Topics 1-8 Test (Mon.)
Begin Topic 13
Equivalent Fractions

4 reading log entries due Friday
Google Classroom due Friday
Fact Practice each night due the next day

Dates to Remember:
February 28th: Last day to AR and end of 2nd trimester
March 14th: Student Led Conferences 1:30- 3:00
March 16th: Field Trip to San Bernardino Performing Arts Theater
March 5th: Talent Show
March 9th: Ontario Reign Family Fun Night
March 9th: End of the Trimester Awards Assembly (K-8:05am, 1st-2nd 8:35am, 3rd-4th 11:30am, 5th-6th 12:00pm)
March 12-16: Spirit Week
March 13th: 66’ers HIt the Books Assembly (Lions’ Den)  3rd-4th Grade 12:00-12:20p 5th and 6th Grade 12:30-12:50p

March 16th: Last Day to purchase yearbooks

Have a great week Team Urban!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Week 25 Feb. 19-23

Team Urban,

Thanks again to all the parents who sent in items for the party and who showed up to help out on Valentine's Day.

Here is a quick video from the week to show more charade snippets as well as pictures from the party.
Week 24 Video Movie

Leader of the current week:  Joshua Perry

Field Trip:
Third grade will be going on a field trip to the California Theater in San Bernardino on Friday, March 16th. We will be seeing Beauty and the Beast. We are excited for this opportunity to see a Performing Arts show! Please donate to Dollar-A-Day as these funds are what support our field trips. Tickets cost $12.50 per student. Please understand that seat/tickets are assigned since this is a theater performance.

Discuss how readers use text features and structure to better comprehend texts, and how writers develop a topic with facts, details and linking phrases.
Conventions: past-tense verbs
Writing: informative/explanatory (Natural Disaster Report)
Spelling: Homophones

 Finish Topic #12: Understand Fractions as Numbers
Topic 12 Assessment Thursday
Cumulative Topic 1-8 Assessment Friday

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 60 minutes (3 entries) in Reading Log
Google Classroom

Dates to Remember:
Monday, February 19th: No school
Saturday, February 24th: Gala
Wednesday, February 28th: Last day to AR and end of 2nd trimester
Wednesday, March 14th: Student Led Conferences 1:30- 3:00
Friday, March 16th: Field Trip to San Bernardino Performing Arts Theater

Have a great week Team Urban!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Week 24 Feb. 12-16

Team Urban,

Student-Led Conferences:
The end of the second trimester and Spring Break are right around the corner. Please mark your calendars as February 28th is the last day to AR and the final day of the 2nd trimester. Since second trimester conferences are optional, for many, our class will be hosting Student-Led conferences Wednesday, March 14th. I will be making Monday and Tuesday, March 12-13 available for one-on- one conferences requested by myself or you. I will contact you shortly if I would like to have a one-to-one conference with you. If you would like to have a one-to-one conference with me, please email me so I can plan accordingly.

Community Service Project:
Also, please remember that ILCS is a leadership school and service is something we value greatly. Your kiddo is required to complete a service project representing their completion of 8 hours of service throughout the year. The project will be due in early May. Additionally, our grade level service project will be completed after Spring Break and all of our contributions will go to help YAPS. These activities always bring a huge smile to everyone involved!

Valentine's Day:
Our class will be having a small Valentine's Day celebration on Wednesday, February 14th from 12-1pm. If you signed up to contribute to the celebration, please send in your donation by Tuesday. Thank you to those families who have already contributed. Please know that your child does not have to distribute Valentine cards, but if they choose to, they must include everyone in the class. A class list is on our Google Classroom for all to view. Thank you for helping our celebration be a success!

Field Trip:
Third grade will be going on a field trip to the California Theater in San Bernardino on Friday, March 16th. We will be seeing Beauty and the Beast. We are excited for this opportunity to see a Performing Arts show! Please donate to Dollar-A-Day as theses funds are what support our field trips. Tickets cost $12.50 per student. Please understand that seat/tickets are assigned since this is a theater performance. This means that we will not need chaperone signups for this field trip.

Thank you parents for filling out the digital permission slip form.  Being a new feature in Parent Square, I know it may have been difficult to locate the form.  However, I hope you found it to be easier in the long run.  I still need 5 parent permission slips signed by Feb. 28. Here is a picture to show how you open the form in the last parent square post.

Leader of the current week: Krisalynn Higgins

Vocabulary Charades video below: Each week students learn some new vocab words.  They have lot of fun collaborating together to make a quick charade skit for their assigned word.  Students have to try to guess their word based on our learning topic.  Here is a quick skit for the word 'intense'.

Discuss how readers use text features and structure to better comprehend texts, and how writers develop a topic with facts, details and linking phrases.
Conventions: past-tense verbs
Writing: informative/explanatory (Natural Disaster Report) 
Spelling: syllable patterns  VCCV
Topic #12: Understand Fractions as Numbers

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 60 minutes (3 entries) in Reading Log
Google Classroom

Dates to Remember:
Monday, February 12th: No school
Wednesday, February 14th: Valentine Celebration from 12-1pm
Thursday, February 15th: CSC Talent Show Tryouts from 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Friday, February 16th: ELA Weather assessment
Monday, February 19th: No school
Saturday, February 24th: Gala
Wednesday, February 28th: Last day to AR and end of 2nd trimester
Wednesday, March 14th: Student Led Conferences 1: 30- 3:00

Have a great week Team Urban!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Week 23 Feb. 5 - 9

Team Urban,

Last Thursday, December/January Assessment Logs went home.  Only 5 were returned signed.  Please review them with your child and sign and return the log this week. 

One score you will see on the log that may be considerably lower than other scores is Topic 11 Post test for math.  Overall, this was a difficult topic on two-step word problems using all four operations.  We will continue to work on this concept for the remainder of the year. 

Leader of the upcoming week:  Zoey Stults

Students doing their thing on Friday mornings for Spirit Day!

It's hard to believe that Spring Break is right around the corner. Please mark your calendars as February 28th is the last day to AR. Also, since second trimester conferences are optional, for many, we will be hosting Student-Led conferences during the week of March 12th - 16th. More details on the specific date and time coming soon.

Also, please remember that ILCS is a leadership school and service is something we value greatly. Your kiddo is required to complete a service project and 8 hours of service. The project will be due in May. Additionally, our grade level service project will be completed after Spring Break and all of our contributions will go to help YAPS. These activities always bring a huge smile to everyone involved!

Our class will be having a small Valentine's Day celebration on February 14th from 12-1. If you can contribute to the celebration, we would greatly appreciate your donation. Thank you to those families who have already contributed. Please know that your child does not have to distribute Valentine cards, but if they choose to, they must include everyone in the class. A class list is on our Google Classroom for all to view. Thank you for helping our celebration be a success!

Lastly, we have some exciting news! Third grade will be going on a field trip to the California Theater in San Bernardino on Friday, March 16th. We will be seeing Beauty and the Beast. We are excited for this opportunity to see a Performing Arts show! Please donate to Dollar-A-Day as theses funds are what support our field trips. Tickets cost $12.50 per student. Please understand that seat/tickets are assigned since this is a theater performance. This means that we will not need chaperone signups for this field trip. Please fill out the digital permission slip sent through parent square. All permission slips will need to be digitally signed by February 28th.

Discuss how readers use text features and structure to better comprehend texts, and how writers develop a topic with facts, details and linking phrases.
Conventions: adverbs 
Writing: informative/explanatory   
Spelling: VCCCV words     

Topic #12: Understand Fractions as Numbers

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 80 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log
Google Classroom: Read attached article and RACE respond

Dates to Remember:

Monday, February 12th: No school 
Wednesday, February 14th: Valentine Celebration
Thursday, February 15th: CSC Talent Show Tryouts from 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Monday, February 19th: No school
Saturday, February 24th: Gala
Wednesday, February 28th: Last day to AR and end of 2nd trimester

Have a great week Team Urban!