Sunday, September 17, 2017

Week 6 Sept. 18-22

Hello Team Urban,

WE WON AGAIN!  2 weeks in a row for the most spirited classroom on Friday!  A HUGE thanks to Joshua Barre for being proactive and bringing in extra shirts for others!! GOOOO Team Urban!

Read-aloud time from the book Wonder has quickly become our favorite time of the day. Students are learning about how our body language and looks can easily be a way to send positive and negative messages to someone without even saying a word. Remember, if you would like your child to obtain a copy of this book from our library to read on their own, please send in a note of permission for them to do so. 

Our Hope for Houston project continues to be a success. We will still be collecting donations, for the next two weeks, until 8/29. 

Book Orders:  I am still accepting orders until 8/29.  We are working towards our goal of 10,000 bonus points.  If you already are buying books, try purchasing from and help put more books in our classroom. Use group code: GRPY6

Due on Friday: 80 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log and "Turn In" Google Classroom writing. Friday is spelling assessment day. Remember to study spelling based on your child's pretest. 
Fact Practice Due Daily

-Begin reading: The Moon Seems to Change and Treasure in the Trees.
-Identify a central message and/or a main idea in stories or articles, and discussing how writers use details, text features, and illustrations to convey a main idea. 
-Conventions: nouns as subjects and subject-verb agreement  
-Writing: informative 
-Spelling: ee, ea, ai, ay, ow, oa

-Begin Topic #3 Apply properties: Multiplication facts for 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8

Dates to Remember: 
Tuesday, September 19th: Healthier School Challenge Bronze Medal Celebration Assembly
Friday, September 22nd: ELA and spelling assessment
Saturday, September 23rd: ILF Golf Tournament
Thursday, October 5th: Walk-tober- Walk/Bike to School Day 
Friday, October 6th: Lions' Family Picnic

Have a great week Team Urban!