Sunday, September 10, 2017

Week 5 Sept. 11- 15

Team Urban,

Thank you to those families who have contributed to our Hope for Houston project. I will be mailing out gift cards at the end of the month. If you would like to contribute, but forgot, please feel free to send your kiddo to school with gift cards or any monetary contributions. Please keep gift cards to Amazon, Target or Walmart. With all of us doing a little, we can make a huge difference! 

Homework began last week, and many kiddos were able to complete all of their assignments. Each week your kiddo should have:

  • 4 Reading log entries (80 minutes total) Due Friday
  • Google Classroom writing (sign in using their ILCS email/password) Due Friday 
  • Math Fact Practice DUE DAILY
  • Any unfinished work from the day due the next day

A BIG thank you to those volunteers who came in on their assigned day last week. If you need to change a day or time you signed up for, check the parent square sign up post to see if a time or day may be open.

-Review The Case of the Gasping Garbage and Thunder Cake.
Continue discussing how readers understand the characters' motivations and the effects of their actions and how writers write about characters and show the sequence of events in a story?
-Conventions: review nouns and verbs.  
-Writing: narrative 
-Spelling: Test every Friday
-Reading Test on Friday on concepts learned from Thundercake story.

Math: TOPIC 2 Posttest on Friday 9/15 PLEASE have your child review their pretest and be ready to show me the evidence in class before Friday.
-Continue Topic #2 multiplication facts: use patterns

Dates to Remember: 

-Monday, September 11th: Patriot’s Day/Red, White, and Blue Spirit Day. Please note that if your student is not participating in the Spirit Day, they must uphold the Dress for Success Policy.
-Monday, September 11th: Begin reading Wonder 
-Friday, September 15th: ELA, Spelling and Math assessment 
-Tuesday, September 19th: Healthier School Challenge Bronze Medal Celebration Assembly
-Saturday, September 23rd: ILF Golf Tournament

Our class won Lucy the Lion this week for having the most school spirit on Friday.  Thank you for remembering to have your child wear their ILCS shirt on Friday! They love hearing their name announced as the winning class on Friday morning!

Have a great week Team Urban!