Sunday, April 9, 2017

Week of April 10th

Welcome Back! I hope you all had a restful couple of weeks. It was so nice to see our kiddos presenting and explaining their achievements and goals during student led conferences before break. As we head into the remainder of the year, continue to encourage you child to persevere and motivate them to finish strong!

Also, for the remainder of the year, we will be switching up our morning and afternoon subject areas.  Math will now be in the morning, and our afternoons will be ELA.

DONATIONS NEEDED: Help, we are out of Clorox/Lysol wipes to wipe our desks down each week.  If you can donate some, we would greatly appreciate it!  Thank you!

Our focus this week will be:
Begin reading What is Government? We will discuss how readers identify the main ideas and details in texts. We will also discuss how writers use linking words, phrases and a conclusion to strengthen their opinion.
Conventions: subject-verb agreement
Writing: opinion writing

Begin Topic #14 Solve time, capacity, and mass problems
Continue our Fact Master multiplication tests. It is imperative students study and complete these at home nightly for a few minutes for successful mastery of their multiplication facts.

As we get back into the swing of things, please remind your kiddo to write the date on their Reading Log and turn in their math fact practice each day.

Due every day:  -Reading 20 minutes (put on reading log date and sign)
           -Daily Fact Practice paper

Due on Friday:  -Reading Log

No spelling or writing this week!

I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!


Mrs. Urban