Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week of Feb. 20th

Happy 3 day weekend!

Thank you so much to Sarah Lopez for organizing an exciting craft for students to create a painted LOVE canvas and share for years to come.  Also, I appreciate all the parents who came in to class that day to assist the students with supplies and clean up.  Your help in the classroom is always greatly welcomed! Here is a pic, minus a couple kiddos that day, on Valentine's Day.

This is our final week of the 2nd trimester! With that being said, there are a few things to remember this week.  Last day to take AR tests will be this Friday.  Right now, only 11 students have made their AR goal.  I hope it gets much higher as the week goes on. Next, this Friday is also our class market for 2nd trimester.  We encourage full participation as it makes for a more successful and exciting class market.

This week we have an end of Unit 2 assessment in Pearson.  Along with it, students will be comparing and contrasting two extreme places we learned about from Deep Down story, and writing their opinion about which extreme place they would want to live and support with evidence from the text.

Students will also be taking their STAR Reading test that will determine their reading level for 3rd trimester and their independent reading level.  Along with this students will also take an IAB (Interim Assessment Block) test on Research through our CAASPP state program. This test is given, without a grade, to determine how well our students will do on the state test in May in the area of Research.

Also, students took their pretest on Topic 12 (Fractions) on Friday.  Students have been encouraged all year long to view and rework problems from the pretest to be ready for the post topic test. Last week, a student took that initiative on their own at home to prepare for the post topic test and discovered huge success.  In the end, that is what we all want, success for each and every kiddo! Encourage students to take ownership of their learning at home as well and review their Topic pretests when needed.

Last, this trimester we will not be holding individual parent conferences for each child.  However, communication and student ownership is vital to student success. Instead, we will have student led conferences open house style the week of March 20th.  More info will be coming home soon.


-Read 20 min. or more each night to reach AR goal
-Fact practice each night
-No Spelling
-No Moby Max writing

Have a great weekend! Please email me if you have any questions.


Mrs. Urban