Sunday, November 6, 2016

Week of Nov. 7-10

Thank You
Thanks for all the requested items you sent in for our class. We had a fun time on Monday doing Halloween STEM activities.  Students used toothpicks and candy corn pumpkins to make structures that could stand on their own.  Then they learned about catapults and designed their own with a partner using all the same materials.  The goal was to see who could launch the plastic eyeball the farthest.

We also had our 1st trimester awards assembly honoring the students with perfect attendance, top running club students, and leadership awards for ROAR.  I know this is the season of illness but with that, our class had the most students with perfect attendance this trimester! "80% of Success is just showing up!"-Woody Allen
Here is a pic of our ROAR recipients:

Testing Week
Next week will be our third grade testing week. I am requesting healthy snacks be donated as a full tummy and a chewing mouth help with testing. Our kiddos will have the chance to demonstrate what knowledge they have acquired in both ELA and Math this first trimester during our assessments. Since this week will be a testing week, I am requesting that any and all appointments be made for after school. An early release or an absence will hold up the assessing process for that kiddo. Additionally, please make sure your kiddo gets sufficient sleep and eats a nutritious breakfast. Thank you in advance for your partnership during this week of assessing.

AR goals have been reset for the kiddos, and AR assessing will resume next week. Many kiddos met their AR goal. They were rewarded, based on their votes, $1000 in class cash. Please ask your kiddo about their new goal and "good fit" level for the second trimester. Here is a pic of the award winners for 1st trimester.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you for signing up for conferences! It is my goal each trimester to get 100% participation at conferences. If something comes up and you cannot attend your conference, please email me right away so we can hold a conference before Thanksgiving Break.

Just a reminder, our grades are based on end of the year mastery, so at the end of this trimester, you should still expect to see many "2" scores on your student's report card. Since we are only through a third of the year, there are many standards, especially in ELA, that are impossible to master at this point, since I haven't yet taught them everything they need to know! A 2 score, at this point in the year, is a very good score and means they are on track for end of the year mastery.

There will not be any writing or spelling homework for this week due to testing. Please continue reading and math fact practice. ENJOY! There will be a "Thankful Plateful" project coming home tomorrow.  Please fill it will pictures of things your child is thankful for.  These are due as soon as they are completed to share with the class.

Dates to Remember
Tuesday, November 8 - Election Day - Wear Red, White, and Blue
Friday, November 11 - No School/Veteran's Day
Monday, November 14 - No School/Parent Teacher Conference Day
Friday, November 18 - Third Grade Feast and Class Market (See attached letter on Parent Square)
Monday, November 21 - Start of Thanksgiving Break!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Urban