Sunday, November 13, 2016

Week of Nov. 14

Greetings Families,

Last week our kiddos showed grit and growth mindset as the conquered assessments. Thank you to Mrs. Woodruff, Mrs. Sarenana, and Mrs. Dougherty who sent in snacks for the kiddos to snack on during assessing. This week will be a short and quick week. Conferences begin tomorrow, and our week will end with class market and our feast on Friday.
AR goals have been reset for the kiddos. Many kiddos met their AR goal, and were rewarded with $1000 class cash. Please ask your kiddo about their new goal and "good fit" level for the second trimester.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you for signing up for conferences! It is my goal each trimester to get 100% participation at conferences. If something comes up and you cannot attend your conference, please email me right away so we can hold a conference before Thanksgiving Break.

Just a reminder, that our grades are based on end of the year mastery, so at the end of this trimester, you should still expect to see many "2" scores on your student's report card. Since we are only through a third of the year, there are many standards, especially in ELA, that are impossible to master at this point, since I haven't yet taught them everything they need to know! A 2 score, specifically in ELA at this point in the year, is a very good score and means they are on track for end of the year mastery.

There will not be any writing or spelling homework for this week. Please continue reading and math fact practice. Also continue to turn in the "Thankful Plate full" project. ENJOY!

Dates to Remember
Monday, November 14 - No School/Parent Teacher Conference Day
November 15th – November 18th - Book Fair
Friday, November 18 - Class Market-11:00 Feast 12:00-1
Monday, November 21 - Start of Thanksgiving Break!
If you have any questions or need anything please do not hesitate to email me. Have a wonderful afternoon. I'll see many of you tomorrow!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Urban