Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week of Nov. 28th

I am sad our week off is coming to an end.  But I must admit, I have missed these kiddos and I am so happy to see them again on Monday. Our first class market was a success!  It is always fun to see the ideas students bring into class.  We will have our next class market right before Spring Break.  Also, a HUGE THANK YOU to all the parents who donated food or their time at the 3rd grade feast. Students really enjoyed the delicious food and their time together with friends.

 If anyone has a small Christmas tree they are not using, I'd love to set it up in our room. I also heard there will be an additional "set of eyes" arriving tomorrow who will be taking daily reports to the big guy in the North Pole.

Last, there is an opening for volunteering in our class every Wed. from 10:15-11:15.  Let me know if this is something you are interested in on a weekly basis.

Our focus this week will be:
  1. Begin reading Weather. We will discuss how readers use text structures and features to better comprehend tests. We will continue to discover how writers introduce and develop a topic with facts, details, and linking words.
  2. Conventions: adverbs, functions of adverbs, comparative and superlative adverbs.
  3. Spelling: VCCCV
  4. Writing: Informative


  1. Area: standard units

  2. Area of squares and rectangles

  3. Area and distribution

  4. We also continue our Fact Master multiplication/division tests. It is imperative students study these at home nightly for a few minutes for successful mastery of their multiplication facts.

Please remind your kiddo to write the date in their Reading Log.

 Due every day:  -Reading 15 minutes (put on reading log date and sign)
         -Daily Fact Practice paper

 Due on Friday:  -Writing assigned and submitted through Moby Max

Upcoming dates to remember:

December 10th Yucaipa Christmas Parade
December 12th Winter Performance will be held at YCC-Yucaipa Christian Church
         1st-2nd at 5pm, 3rd-4th at 5:45pm, 5th-6th at 6:15pm.
December 12th Grandparents Day (More information on times to follow)
December 14th Angel Tree Presents DUE
December 15th Gingerbread Play/Winter Performance TK-Kinder (Information on times to follow)
December 16th Last Day to purchase yearbooks for $35
December 19-January 2nd Winter Break NO School

Spelling:  ATTENTION: Moby Max has a new section called SPELLING LIST.  I upload the spelling words each week and students can practice their words now in Moby Max! Just another way to practice other than paper.

1. monster

2. surprise

3. hundred

4. complete

5. control

6. sample

7. instant

8. inspect

9. pilgrim

10. contrast

11. explode

12. district

13. address

14. substance

15. children

16. merchant

17. embrace

18. purchase

19. curtsy

20. contract

I hope that everyone has had a blessed vacation. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me. Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

Mrs. Urban