Saturday, October 29, 2016

Week Oct. 31st.

Greetings Parents,

We had a wonderful time at the Safari Park yesterday!  The weather was perfect and not much traffic at all coming home,  Thank you again to the parents who volunteered to chaperone our sweet kiddos.  I will be posting pictures soon for you to view and save for yourself.

Also make sure to sign up for a conference time slot, starting on Nov. 14.  If you need to change you will need to go into parent square and change your time yourself.

Here are some upcoming dates to remember:

Nov. 1(NEW DATE CHANGE)-Cut off for AR reading goals
Nov. 11-No school
Nov. 14-No school-Conferences begin
Nov. 18-Class Market and 3rd grade feast

This week:
Read Paul Bunyan. We will discuss how readers determine the central message/theme of a story. We will also continue learning how writers support a point of view when writing an opinion.

Conventions: possessives, suffixes, comparative and superlative adjectives.

Writing: opinion essay

Math Topic #5
-Use strategies to multiply
-solve word problems with mult. and division
-write math stories using mult. and division 

Please remind your child to write the date in their Reading Log.They will be collected Monday morning for Oct.  New reading logs will be in the homework folder.

 Due every day:  -Reading 15 minutes x4
         -Daily Fact Practice paper x4

 Due on Friday:  -Writing submitted through Moby Max

1. unhappy
2. recall
3. disappear
4. unload
5. mistake
6. misspell
7. dislike
8. replace
9. mislead
10. disagree
11. rewrite
12. unroll
13. unknown
14. dishonest
15. react
16. unfortunate
17. discourage
18. uncomfortable
19. recycle
20. mispronounce

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Urban