Sunday, October 23, 2016

Week of Oct. 24th

Greetings Families,

We practiced an earthquake disaster drill at school on Thursday.  The students did an excellent job of taking cover and exiting the room in a mature manner.  Tias also did a wonderful job since he was selected to be a "victim" during the drill for Search and Rescue and had to stay behind in the classroom alone.  Here is a picture from Samuel's mom, Mrs. Hughes, of the students waiting patiently in their line during the drill.

This Friday is our field trip.  Please be at school at 6:30am, even if your child is riding the bus or not.  See previous post for all the details of the trip. Here are our chaperones that were selected:

-Brianna Patterson-Tara Holgate-Peyton's mom
-Lorinda Hughes-Samuel's mom
-Kristin Hoerger-Levi's mom
-Robin Jensen-Riley's mom
-Sarah Lopez-Zeke's mom

Chaperones are not required to ride the bus, however, please be at the Safari Park upon our arrival. If you have any questions or unable to chaperone, please email me as soon as possible.

Here are some upcoming dates to remember:

Nov. 3-Cut off for AR reading goals
Nov. 11-No school
Nov. 14-No school-Conferences begin
Nov. 18-Class Market and 3rd grade feast

This week:
Continue reading Storm in the Night. We will discuss how readers determine the central message/theme of a story. We will also describe characters and explain how their actions transmit experiences, and how character actions contribute to sequence of events.

Spelling: No spelling this week :)

Conventions: functions of an adjective, adjectives, comparative and superlative adjectives.

Writing: opinion essay

Math Begin Topic #5

Patterns for multiplication facts
Use a multiplication table
Review properties of multiplication (Topic #3)
Find missing numbers in a multiplication table 

Please remind your child to write the date in their Reading Log.
There will be no reading/fact practice Thursday night.

 Due every day:  -Reading 15 minutes x3
         -Daily Fact Practice paper x3

 Due on Friday:  -Writing submitted through Moby Max

Spelling: No spelling this week :)

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Urban