Saturday, October 15, 2016

Week of Oct. 17-21st


This last week students and staff had fun dressing up for the different spirit days for the week.  I had great intentions each day to take pictures of all the spirited outfits, and with each busy day that came and went. Argh! 

Thank you for returning the field trip permission slips so quickly.  I plan on choosing the chaperones this Friday.  Here are a few more reminders:
Where: The Safari Park in San Diego
15500 San Pasqual Valley Road, Escondido

When: Friday, October 28th. All students arrive at school by 6:30AM. Students must check in with me by 6:30AM. The bus will depart at 6:45AM.

Who: There will be two groups of parents attending. Chaperones and non-chaperones.
 Chaperones are "working" the field trip. They are responsible for a group of children during the day, and tending to their needs for the 4-5 hours we are in the park. Chaperones do not pay for their ticket.
Non-Chaperones are parents who are not working the field trip, but are following a group. There are a few things to consider if you are interested in being a non-chaperone:
You must pay for your own entry ticket. It is $50 for adults; unless you have annual passes to the park/zoo, then you can use your passes.
You will also have to pay for parking, which is $12 per car. Parking is required for annual pass holders, and non-pass holders.
Younger siblings should not attend. This is a school day. Please make childcare arrangements for your younger siblings.
You and your child must stay with the group, please do not take your child away from their assigned group.

Transportation options:
Your child rides the bus.
Your child rides the bus, and you are a chaperone, so you can ride the bus too.
You are a chaperone or non-chaperone and you choose to drive your own child in your personal car. If you are planning on doing this, your child must check in with me at 6:30AM, then you sign them into your custody, and when we get to the Safari Park, you sign them back in that they are back at school. If this signing in/signing out procedure does not happen, your child will be marked absent because a field trip is a school day.

Other stuff you should know:
Kids should wear comfortable walking shoes, their blue ILCS shirt, and bring a small backpack for all their treasure. The kids will be keeping their lunch and water with them throughout the day, so a backpack would be useful item to have. A hat and sunscreen are recommended as well.  
Pack a good-sized sack lunch and many snacks. The day will be filled with a lot of walking, so the kiddos will be hungry.
Kids can bring a small amount of money to spend at concession stands or gift shops. It's optional, and the school will not be responsible for money or purchases.
A $15 donation to Dollar-A-Day is being asked for each student.

If you drive yourself, you can stay as long as you'd like. When we get ready to leave for the bus, you will sign your child out of the field trip and reenter the park. This will not affect their attendance. The park closes at 5:00PM.

Our focus this week will be:
  1. Reading Knots on a Counting Rope and Storm in the Night. We will discuss how readers determine the central message/theme of a story. We will also describe characters and explain how their actions transmit experiences, and how character actions contribute to sequence of events.
  2. Spelling: irregular plurals
  3. Conventions: functions of a noun, pronoun, and pronouns as objects
  4. Writing: opinion essay
  1. Review multiplication and division of whole number (Topic #1)
  2. Review multiplication facts using patterns (Topic #2)
  3. Review properties of multiplication (Topic #3)
  4. Review use multiplication to divide (Topic #4)
  5. We also continue our Fact Master multiplication tests. It is imperative students study these at home nightly for a few minutes for successful mastery of their multiplication facts.
Please remind your kiddo to write the date in their Reading Log.

Due every day:  -Reading 15 minutes (put on reading log date and sign)
            -Daily Fact Practice paper

Due on Friday:  -Writing submitted through Moby Max-log in for instructions
                                 -Spelling Practice (Not needed if student(s) get 100% on Monday Pretest)

    1. wolves
    2. knives
    3. feet
    4. men
    5. children
    6. women
    7. sheep
    8. heroes
    9. scarves
    10. mice
    11. geese
    12. wives
    13. elves
    14. banjos
    15. halves
    16. loaves
    17. beliefs
    18. tomatoes
    19. potatoes
    20. tornadoes
Have a fantastic week!
Mrs. Urban