Sunday, August 28, 2016

Week of Aug. 29th

Last week we were working hard understanding character traits, summarizing significant events after reading, citing evidence to justify our answers, and planning out our personal narratives.  I have seen a lot of growth just in 2 weeks!  

This week students will focus on:

  • verb tenses
  • quotation marks
  • commas in dialogue
  • how characters' actions contribute to sequence of events
  • understanding multiplication and division of whole numbers (end of topic 1 test on Friday)
  • spelling -s, -es, -ies
Great job with homework this last week!  90% of students completed the writing assignment on Moby Max.  If you still have any questions about homework, please feel free to ask or email me.  This week the "Homework Club" will begin.  It is monthly club, and students with 100% homework turned in every week will receive a FREE homework pass at the end of each month.  I will hand out the first pass at the end of September.  It can be used for a writing or spelling assignment for any week.

The writing assignment has been uploaded to Moby Max for this week.  Please remember to click on instructions to know what to write about the topic.  

I look forward to another week of building relationships and learning with these kiddos!  They are a fun group!!

I am also excited to partner with our Room Mom Sarah Lopez.  Her school spirit and experience with ILCS will be beneficial for our 3rd grade class this year!

Mrs. Urban