Saturday, August 20, 2016

Our first full week!  Students were troopers as they navigated their way through their first week of second session and Back to School Night.  It sure was a hot one, but thank you for taking the time to stop by our 3rd grade booth, beautifully decorated by Mrs. Lopez.  Those of you who were unable to make it, please contact me if you have any questions!

This last week we wrapped up baseline assessments for the beginning of the year in ELA and Math.  STAR reading tests were also administered and setting AR reading goals for the trimester.  I was also pleasantly surprised by all the generous gifts on Friday from you all and your precious kiddos!  Thank you so much Mrs. Lopez for all the fruit-kabobs for every student to enjoy! It was an amazing end to the week!

This week we will dive into our new ELA and Math curriculum learning about:

  • Narrative writing
  • Spelling words VC/CV pattern
  • Character traits and how their actions contribute to the sequence of events
  • Nouns, Subjects, Verbs
We will also begin our Fact Master multiplication tests.  Students will practice in class each day on their level and then take a one minute timed test.  Students will bring home a blank copy to practice nightly.  These will come back each day and be counted as part of homework.  They will need to bring them back daily. It is imperative students study these at home for successful mastery of their multiplication facts.

ReCap of homework (nightly/weekly) in case you missed it:

Due every day: -Reading 15 minutes (put on reading log)
                           -Daily Fact Practice paper

Due on Friday: -Writing typed and submitted in Moby Max. 
(they know their log-ins and practiced in class on Friday.)
                          -Some type of spelling practice on paper.

Last, I have put up a digital sign up for volunteers on parent square.  Please sign up for only one spot please.  If some spots are not being filled, then we can possibly double up.

Thanks again for all your support and have a wonderful week!


Mrs. Urban