Team Urban,
ILCS is a leadership school and service is something we value greatly. Your child is required to complete a service project and 8 hours of service this year. The project will be due at the beginning of May, but I wanted to remind you in case you complete some service over the break. Remember to take pictures and document the dates and times service was completed.
Due Daily: Math facts
Due daily: 25 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log
No Spelling
Unit 2 Benchmark Test
Writing: Informative Writing Performance Task
Spelling: None :)
Math Topic 6 Post-Test: Wednesday
Dates to Remember:
Dates to Remember:
12.20 - Class Party from 12-1 Jingle Bell Jammie Day
12.21-Christmas Break Begins
1.6-No School Teacher Work Day
1.7-School Resumes
Have a great week Team Urban!