Thursday, March 6, 2025

March 10th - 14th

 Team Urban,


Our class needs your help. Our PE teacher has begun her 3rd trimester Running Club Competition. That is where the class with the most straws for this last trimester wins their class name on a plaque and a popsicle party at the end of the year.  Our past classes have been successful the previous 5/8 times.  Help us to put our name on the last spot of this plaque.  Show up every Friday at 9:45 and be ready to walk or run whichever you prefer!  Thank you for your support!!!!

Report Cards go home March 21st. If you wish to conference with me privately before March 21st, please email me to schedule day/time.

This week:

Science: Earthquakes Gizmo

ELA: no spelling-Unit 3 Benchmark

Finish Topic 13: Equivalent Fractions: Test Friday

4 reading log entries due Friday

Fact Practice each night-due the next day

March Upcoming Events
3/8- Last day to purchase yearbooks for $40.00. (Price will increase to $50)
3/17- CSC House Tournament/ St. Patrick's Day party
3/17-3/21- Spirit Week

3/24-4/4- Spring Break