Friday, September 20, 2024

Week of Sept. 23rd-27th

 Team Urban,

We had fun finishing up our thunder and lightning unit with actual thunder and lightning today, and a fun science demonstration to resemble clouds rain, and lightning. As you can see from the pictures below, they also had fun touching it because of shaving cream!

We also had our first House Rally and a couple of students from Perseverance were chosen by Student Council for a fun game.

-Due on Friday: (4 entries) in Reading Log   
-Due Daily: Fact Practice
-Remember to study spelling words based on your child's pretest.

-Begin reading: Treasure in the Trees
-Identify the main idea in stories or articles, and discuss how writers use details, text features, and illustrations to convey the main idea. 
-Spelling: related words (see below)

-Science Gizmo: Measuring Tree Growth 

-Topic 3: Apply Properties of Multiplication (Distributive and Associative Properties of Multiplication)

Dates to Remember: 

09.30 - Lions’ Picnic Movie Night 

10.07 - 11 Spirit Week

10.16-Make-Up Pictures (YBC) 

10.17-Make-Up Pictures (CSC)

10.17-Great California Shakeout

10.26-Make a Difference Day

Have a great week Team Urban!