Friday, September 6, 2019

Sept. 9-13

Team Urban,

Students began exploring this week with our STEMscopes science unit on Magnetism.  Here are a few pictures students completed this week while testing materials and magnetism.

Homework: Google Classroom response starts this week and is due every Friday. 

  • Students log into Google Classroom from ILCS Links
  • Sign in with their Google Classroom password/login
  • Click on Team Urban 19-20
  • Click on the newest posted question at the top and respond by restating the question and answer with sufficient details. An example and directions are posted under the question. Don't forget to have your child "turn in" when done as it does not save their unfinished work.
  • 4 Reading log entries (80 minutes total) Due Friday
  • Google Classroom writing (sign in using their ILCS email/password) Due Friday 
  • Math Fact Practice DUE DAILY
At this point in the trimester, your child should be at 30% or higher towards meeting their reading AR goal. Several students are not yet at 30%. Please make sure your child is reading every day for at least 20 min or more.  

-Reading Thundercake story 
-Writing: narrative about first day of school 
-Spelling: Vowel Digraphs
-Reading Test on Friday on vocabulary and concepts learned from Thundercake story.

Spelling words:

  1. clean 
  2. agree
  3. teeth
  4. dream
  5. grain
  6. coach
  7. display
  8. window
  9. shadow
  10. cheese
  11. peach
  12. braid
  13. Sunday
  14. float
  15. thrown
  16. entertain
  17. complain
  18. bleachers
  19. willow
  20. wheat

Math: TOPIC 4 Posttest on Friday 9/13. PLEASE have your child review their pretest and be ready to show me the evidence on paper in class before Tuesday.

Science: Continue with Magnetism Stemscope

Dates to Remember: 
  • Wednesday, September 11th: Patriot’s Day/Red, White, and Blue 
Spirit Day. Please note that if your student is not participating in Spirit Day, they must uphold the Dress for Success Policy. 

  • Friday, September 13th: ELA Thundercake Test, Spelling Test, and Math Topic 4 test
  • Saturday, September 28th: ILF Golf Tournament
  • Make-up pictures CSC October 11th

 Have a great week Team Urban!