Sunday, January 6, 2019

Happy New Year! Jan. 7-11 2019

Happy New Year Team Urban!

I hope you have all had a memorable and restful time with your family over the break.  Here are some pictures of our 1st visit with our 8th grade leader buddies in Mrs. Wassiff's class, Class Market, and the Christmas Party on the last day. A huge thank you to our Room Mom's Mrs. Casavan, Mrs. Pettit, and Mrs. Sams for creating a fun time for the students in class the day before break.  Also, thank you to all the parents who sent in items for the party that day.

Remember, Monday there is no school, so we will hit the ground running on Tuesday! Homework will be back to normal, and there will be reading, writing, spelling, and math facts this week.

February 28th is the last day of the second trimester, and it will be the last day to AR as well.
Currently, only 40% percent of the class is between 50-100% of their AR goal, with 3 of those students already meeting their goal.  As we head back from break, I am hoping several students are needing to take AR test this week.

2nd Trimester Conferences:
Since second trimester conferences are optional, we will be hosting Student-Led conferences sometime in March. These conferences are a pleasure to watch and I hope you are available to attend. Please know that your child will be putting a lot of work into their conference, and it would mean a lot to them for you to set aside a small amount of time that week to come in and watch them present their conference to you. More details on the specific date and time coming soon.

Community Service
ILCS is a leadership school and service is something we value greatly. Your child is required to complete a service project and 8 hours of service this year. The project will be due in the beginning of May, but I wanted to remind you in case you completed some type of service over break. Remember to take pictures and document dates and times service was completed.

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 60 minutes (3 entries) in Reading Log
"Turn In" Google Classroom writing - please remember to hit submit when finished.

Begin reading: Knots on a Counting Rope
Discuss how readers determine the central message, lesson, or moral of a story, and discuss how writers support a point of view when writing and opinion essay.
Conventions: nouns and pronouns
Writing: opinion 
Spelling: irregular plurals
  1. wolves
  2. knives
  3. feet
  4. men
  5. children
  6. women
  7. sheep
  8. heroes
  9. scarves
  10. mice
  11. geese
  12. wives
  13. elves
  14. banjos
  15. halves
  16. loaves
  17. beliefs
  18. tomatoes
  19. potatoes
  20. tornadoes
Begin Topic 10: Multiply by Multiples of 10

Dates to Remember:
1/07: No School Teacher Work Day
1/14: Electives, Second Session, and Success Academy begin
1/21: No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/25: Ontario Reign Family Fun Night
2/14: Valentine's Day Celebration 12:00

Have a great week Team Urban!