Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Week 37 May 28th-June 1

Team Urban,

State testing..done. Benchmarks..done. It is time to now reflect on our year, goals, and achievements.  Our class has grown in so many countless ways, I can't even put into words how proud I am of Team Urban.  As we head into the last 7 days of 3rd grade, hang on tight, as it can cause your head to spin.  

Shhhh, tomorrow, Monday, students will be watching the movie Holes.  If you have not emailed me a yes or no regarding whether you will allow your child to watch this movie, please do so asap.

YAPS Fundraiser: Please make checks out directly to YAPS.  Also, money is due on Monday.  Every $10=wet sponge in Mrs. Urban's face.  Every $20=pie in Mrs. Urban's face.

Leader of the current Week:
Calvin Osborn

Leader of the Week

May 29th: Money due for pledges for Y.A.P.S., $10 or $20 flat donation a student can throw a pie or water sponge at their teacher.
May29th-June 1st: ALL library books need to be returned
May29th-June 1st: Technology reports have been received as far as damage to the computers. If your child does have keys missing or damage to their computer there may be amount due for their computer. More clarification details this week.
May 31st: AR Deadline
June 1st: AR celebration for 3rd trimester goals!
June 4th: After school walking field trip for ALL students who have made all three trimester goals for AR. Permission slips will be sent out on Friday.
June 5th: End of the Year Awards 8:00am (Ball Wall)
June 5th: Class Party 12-1 (in class)
June 6th: Last Day of School: Field Day, no backpacks and comfy clothing (sports attire)

Our 3rd grade is in charge of the Otter Pop and water station, if you can please donate for field day. Thank you!

Have a great week Team Urban!