Sunday, May 20, 2018

Week 36 May 21-25

Team Urban,

State testing is complete!  I am proud of their perseverance especially through this last week of internet connection issues.  They handled it like champs!

This is the last full week of the school year! This week we will complete the ELA benchmark and STAR reading test, and enjoy reading on Friday for our YAPS Read-a-thon!  Money will be due May 29th.

Parents, please send back any books your child may have at home that belong to the class, or school.  Most of the class books are labeled "Urban", or have an AR label inside of the book. Thanks!

Speaking of books, May 31 is the last day to AR any book and qualify for the trimester reward.

Last week, our librarian, Mrs. Barak, told me that she really enjoys when our class is in the library.  This class truly loves reading and enjoys finding new reads every week.  Here is a picture she took of us in the library.

And these boys!  I just had to snap a pic, so cute!

Leader of the current week: Bella Birky

Dates to Remember:
May 21st - 25th: ELA Benchmark, STAR Testing 
Friday, May 25th: YAPS Read-A-Thon
Friday, May 25th: End of Electives, Second Session & Success Academy
Monday, May 28th: No school 
Tuesday, May 29th: All YAPS Read-A-Thon money due (Every $10=sponge throwing at Mrs. Urban, $20=whipped cream pie in Mrs. Urban's face!!)
Wednesday, May 30th: Extreme Perfect Attendance field trip
Wednesday, May 30th: 2nd Grade field trip to CSC
Thursday, May 31st: AR deadline
Friday, June 1st: Class Market 
Friday, June 1st: Summer Send Off 1pm - 3pm
Monday, June 4th: AR Celebration after school for those kiddos who have met their AR goal all 3 trimesters
Tuesday, June 5th: 3rd-4th Grade End of the Year Awards Assembly @ 8:00am 
Tuesday, June 5th: Class Celebration/Awards 12pm - 1pm (all are welcome)
Wednesday, June 6th: Last day of school 
Wednesday, June 6th: CSC Field Day 
Wednesday, June 6th: Tyler Davis Day

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 180 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log
NO Google Classroom & NO spelling

Have a great week Team Urban!