Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week 33 May 30-April 4

Team Urban,

Last week we went deeper, pardon the pun, into our learning about the Titanic.  Students researched a real life passenger on the Titanic and wrote a biography about their life.  Additionally, they learned about buoyancy and density in regards to sinking and floating.  Finally, they designed boats from tinfoil and students were challenged to see whose boat could hold the most mass without sinking.  Watch the video to see who won that challenge!

Week 32 Highlights
Service Projects:
All third grade service projects are due on Tuesday, May 1st. Our YAPS penny war fundraiser is still happening for another few weeks. Thank you for your awesome support! Our YAPS Read-A-Thon will take place the week of May 21st.

SBACC (state testing) will begin the week of May 7th and continue through May 18th. Please plan all doctor and/or dentist appointments for after the school day and please be on time for school. During our testing weeks please send your kiddo with extra snacks. Research shows that kiddos who are chewing do better on assessments. Also, be sure your kiddo gets plenty of sleep and a good breakfast. If you signed up for a perishable food item for testing week, you can send them in on Monday, May 7th. Thank you all for your support for our class!

Morning Test Prep:
This will be the last week of tutoring for state testing. Tutoring for ELA is Tuesday and math will be on Thursday from 7:25am - 7:55am. For those of you who want your kiddos to practice, but cannot get them to tutoring, the SBACC practice assessment link is to the right under links.

Review for testing  
Conventions: revision for state test      
Writing: finish up opinion paper 
Spelling: -ion, -tion, -sion, 
Finish Topic 16-Test Friday

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 180 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log
No Google Classroom

Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, May 1st: Service Projects due
Friday, May 4th: Topic 16 assessment 
May 7th - 18th: SBACC testing 
Friday, May 25th: End of Electives, Second Session & Success Academy
Monday, May 28th: No school 
Wednesday, May 30th: Extreme Perfect Attendance field trip
Wednesday, May 30th: 2nd Grade field trip to CSC
Thursday, May 31st: AR deadline 
Friday, June 1st: Summer Send Off 1pm - 3pm
Tuesday, June 5th: 3rd-4th Grade End of the Year Awards Assembly @ 8:15am 
Wednesday, June 6th: Last day of school 
Wednesday, June 6th: CSC Field Day 
Wednesday, June 6th: Tyler Davis Day

Have a great week Team Urban!