I hope this finds all of you rested and relaxed from the Holidays! I know it was much needed for me as well.
Here is a picture of some of the 3rd grade students who go together with Mrs. Gastel and I to go see Wonder at the Studio Movie Grill, minus Calvin.
We also enjoyed a wonderful class party before break! Thank you to everyone who volunteered and sent in items for the party.
Leader of current week: Naomi Mihaila
Remember, Monday there is no school, so we will hit the ground running on Tuesday! Homework will be back to normal, and there will be writing, spelling and math facts this week.
February 28th is the last day of the second trimester, and it will be the last day to AR as well.
Currently 86% percent of the class is between 50-100% of their AR goal. Several students have already met their goal. As we head back from break, I am hoping several students are wanting to take AR tests if they have not done so already.
Since second trimester conferences are optional, for many, we will be hosting Student-Led conferences during the week of March 12th - 16th. These conferences are a pleasure to watch and I hope you are available to attend. Please know that your kiddo will be putting a lot of work into their conference, and it would mean a lot to them for you to set aside a small amount of time that week to come in and watch them present their conference to you. More details on the specific date and time coming soon.
Just a friendly reminder that ILCS is a leadership school and service is something we value greatly. Your kiddo is required to complete a service project and 8 hours of service this year. The project will be due in the beginning of May, but I wanted to remind you in case you completed some type of service over break.
Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 60 minutes (3 entries) in Reading Log
"Turn In" Google Classroom writing - please remember to hit submit when you're finished.
Begin reading: Knots on a Counting Rope
Discuss how readers determine the central message, lesson, or moral of a story, and discuss how writers support a point of view when writing and opinion essay.
Conventions: nouns and pronouns
Writing: opinion
Spelling: irregular plurals
Begin Topic 10: Multiply by Multiples of 10
Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, January 9th: Back to school
Monday, January 15th: NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, January 16th: Electives, Second Session & Success Academy begin
Friday, January 26th: CSC Fill 'er Up Friday from 7:40am - 8:30am
Friday, January 26th: A "Night of Illusions" Fundraising Event from 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Monday, February 12th: NO SCHOOL
Monday, February 19th: NO SCHOOL
If you need anything, feel free to contact me.
Have a great week Team Urban!