Greetings Team Urban,
Update on Hope for Houston:
We were notified from our original pairing with the 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Rivera that she had not sustained any damage to her classroom. We were then reassigned and partnered with Mrs. Latham, a 4th grade class at Bastian Elementary. In this class, 6 families lost their homes, and 1 child's father passed away. I am happy to announce that we are sending off a cashiers check of $91.76 plus two Amazon gift cards for $45. Mrs. Latham is overjoyed by our willingness to help out these families in any way possible.
We would also love to continue communication with Team Latham via letters or Skype. As soon as I hear back from Mrs. Latham, she will let us know of any specific needs she may have for these families for future collections.
Homework completion has gotten much better! Not completing homework comes with a fine. As part of owning our actions, we are trying to reinforce that homework is your child's responsibility and should be remembered by them.
Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday:
- 80 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log
- Google
ClassroomDocs assignment. GoogleClassroomDocs assignment is to correct any comments I have made on their expository writing that was shared with me last week in class in their Google Docs. Correcting comments will include editing for spelling, punctuation, provide evidence, or provide more details. When students have corrected the comments made in their document, it will send me an email that changes have been made/resolved. That is how I will know they have done their Google Classroom this week.
However, some students are still finishing up their typing in class of their expository writing assignment. As soon as they finish, I will make comments on it so they can edit for homework.
- Read Aurora (fiction) and article about the Northern Lights
- Discussing how readers identify a central message and/or a main idea in stories or articles, and discussing how writers use details, text features, and illustrations to convey a main idea
- Conventions: adjectives
- Writing: expository
- Spelling: -le words
- Continue Topic #4 Use Multiplication to Divide
- Thursday, October 12th, Friday, October 13th: Unit #1 ELA assessment
- Thursday, October 12th: make up picture day
- Monday, October 16th - 20th: Spirit Week
- Wednesday, Oct. 18th: Topic 4 Math Post Test
- Friday, October 20th: Safari park field trip
Chaperones for Oct. 20th Field Trip:
- Mrs. Tyree
- Mr. Beaucaire
- Mr. Crandell
- Mr. Kingsley
- Mr. Vecchio
Please let me know via the survey link how your child will be transported to and from the field trip on Oct. 20th.
Transportation survey
Transportation survey
Have a great week Team Urban!