This week is going to be full of spirit and fun!!! Since our field trip is Friday, I will be checking homework on Thursday. The good news is there should only be three reading log entries since they will be due Thursday. The not so good news is all homework will be due Thursday. That means writing, reading logs and our spelling assessment will be on Thursday.
Here is the spirit schedule for the week:
- Monday - Multiplicity Monday
- Tuesday - Tropical Tuesday
- Wednesday - Western Wednesday
- Thursday - Dress as your favorite staff member
- Friday - Safari Park field trip-ILCS shirt
-Can I drive my child to and from? Yes, the more the merrier. WE are actually encouraging you to do so for this field trip.
-Can I drive my child's friend? Only if their parent is in the car as well.
-Can I just drive my child straight tp the Safari Park without coming to school at 6:30am.? No. You and your child must check in with me at school and then sign them out into your custody at school.
-Can I go if I am not picked as a chaperone? Yes, however, you will still need to pay at the group rate.
-Can siblings go? As long as they are in your care and you are not an assigned chaperone.
-Can I bring a sibling if I am a chaperone? No.
-Can I stay with my child at the Safari Park when the school leaves? Yes, as long as you meet us at the time/place of departure to sign your child over to your supervision.
-Can I/husband be a chaperone? Yes, as long as you/husband have your current Megan's Law clearance on file in the office.
-How do I let you know I want to chaperone? Sign bottom of permission slip.
-How will I know if I am a chaperone? We will notify you by person or email by the end of this week.
-Do I need to ride the bus if I am a chaperone? No, but it is recommended and expected that you are there upon our arrival at Safari Park if you chose to drive yourself.
-What is the cost per student? Nothing to enter into the park. Please donate to Dollar a Day to cover the bus fee, $10.00 per student.
-What is the cost for a chaperone and non-chaperone? Chaperones are included in the group rate, and non-chaperones will need to pay the group rate. We are unsure of the group rate at this time.
-Does my student have to bring extra money for the cost of the tram? No, the tram is included in the chaperone and student entrance rate.
-Do we have to pay for parking? No, but you must mention you are with ILCS (Inland Leaders Charter School) at the parking lot entrance.
-Please check on Parent Square for our arrival at the park and back to school.
Homework completion has gotten much better! Not completing homework comes with a fine. As part of owning our actions, we are trying to reinforce that homework is your child's responsibility and should be remembered by them.
Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Thursday: 60 minutes (3 entries) in Reading Log and "Turn In" Google Classroom writing. Thursday is spelling assessment day. Remember to study spelling based on your child's need.
Our ELA focus this week will be:
- Read: The Athabascans: Old Ways and New Ways and begin reading The Year of Miss Agnes
- Discussing how readers use evidence from texts to understand what they read, and discuss how writers include characters dialogue and actions to affect the events in a story.
- Conventions: adjectives, and capitalization
- Writing: expository
- Spelling: compound words
- Finish Topic #4 Use Multiplication to Divide - Topic 4 Test Wednesday Oct. 18th
- Monday, October 16th - 20th: Spirit Week
- Wednesday, October 18th: Topic 4 assessment
- Thursday, October 19th: ELA assessment
- Thursday, October 19th: Great CA Shakeout
- Friday, October 20th: Safari Park field trip
- Monday, October 23rd - Thursday, November 9th: Food Drive
- Friday, October 27th: CSC Fill 'er Up Friday from 7:40am - 8:30am
- Monday, October 30th - Thursday, November 9th: Apex Fun Run
Have a great week Team Urban!