Sunday, August 13, 2017

Week of Aug. 14-18

Welcome Team Urban!

The first two days were a success! Here are a few things we covered:

  • ROAR expectations
  • Good Fit Books
  • Circle of Control vs. No Control
  • Math skills inventory
  • Thinking Maps - Circle Map
This week is Baseline Assessment Week:
  • Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
  • Continue Thinking Map - Circle Map
  • STAR Reading Test
  • ELA Pearson Benchmark Test
  • Math Pearson Benchmark Test
  • Pearson Topic 1 Pretest
  • Narrative Writing
-Homework will not begin until Sept. 4th
-Looking forward to seeing you all at Back to School Night at 5:30   in our class room 5.
-Please send in completed papers in manila envelope from office.
-Please send in papers I send home over summer along with photo     if you have not done so yet.

Here are pictures of Team Urban from the 1st day of school!