Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week of Jan. 23rd

Greetings Parents,
I hope you all are staying dry and staying healthy!

We are beginning autobiography unit on Monday.  We will lay out important events from birth until now.  Please discuss key details of early years such as:

  • When were they born?
  • What city and state where they born?
  • How much did they weigh?
  • What were their favorite baby foods?
  • What did they like to do as a toddler?

Just a reminder that the second trimester will end quickly, and most of the students are still trying the earn those AR points. Additionally, if your child misses school, even for one day, please email me for the assignments and complete the Independent Study paperwork in the office.

Our focus this week will be:
  1. Begin reading The Frog Princess to determine central message, and describe characters actions, traits, motivations and feelings.
  2. Conventions: subject-verb, pronoun agreement, simple/complex/compound sentences,
  3. Spelling: contractions
  4. Writing: narrative timelines (autobiography from birth to present)

Topic #8: Use mental math and estimating when adding and subtracting.

Continue our Fact Master multiplication tests. It is imperative students study and complete these at home nightly for a few minutes for successful mastery of their multiplication facts.

Please remind your kiddo to write the date in their Reading Log.

 Due every day:  -Reading 20 minutes (put on reading log date and sign)
            -Daily Fact Practice

 Due on Friday:  -Writing submitted through Moby max and reading log signed
                                   See Moby Max for writing instructions.

Spelling words: contractions
1. let’s       11. when’s
2. he’d      12. we’d
3. you’ll    13. should’ve
4. can’t      14. wasn’t
5. I’d         15. didn’t
6. won’t     16. they’d*
7. haven’t  17. would’ve*
8. hasn’t    18. could’ve*
9. she’d     19. needn’t*
10.they’ll   20. you’ve*
*=challenge words

Have a great week! If you have any questions, please email me!
Mrs. Urban