Friday, November 8, 2019

November 11-15

Team Urban,

This week we had our Apex fun run. Team Urban worked diligently by sending out emails, texts, and phone calls. This generated fun rewards such as extra recess, a dance party, and popsicles. Thank you for all your support these past few days!
Here are some pictures of the APEX Fun Run awards in class and pictures of awards at the 1st-trimester assembly. Thank you all for your support of our school. Students are APEX STRONG!

October Homework Club

October Attendance Challenge

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday:
(3 entries) in Reading Log due Friday 
Google Classroom-due Friday
Spanish booklet with drawings with parent signature due Friday
Spelling: Consonant blends

  1. splash
  2. throw
  3. three
  4. square
  5. scream
  6. strike
  7. street
  8. split
  9. splurge
  10. thrill
  11. strength
  12.  squeak
  13. throne
  14. scratch
  15. squeeze
  16. squid
  17. squander
  18. arthritis
  19. instrument
  20. strategy

Continue and finish The Year of Miss Agnes-Test Friday
Continue Topic 6 relating multiplication to area

Dates to Remember:
11.11- No School- Veterans Day
11.18- 11.21 Conferences
11.18- No School-Teacher Work Day
11.19- 11.22 IAB Assessments
11.22- 3rd Grade Thanksgiving Feast
11.25-29- Thanksgiving Break- No School
12.9- Grandparents Day
12.9- Winter Performance
12-10-8th grade Leader Buddies 
12.20- Class Market & Christmas Celebration

Have a great 3 day weekend!

Mrs. Urban