Friday, October 25, 2019

Oct. 28th - Nov. 1

Team Urban,

It is hard to believe that November is almost upon us! Speaking of November, please remember that November 1st is the end of the first trimester and AR deadline. October assessment logs will go home at the end of this week.

I appreciate all of you who have already signed up for conferences and finding a time slot convenient for you. If you have yet to sign up, please do so through the parent square post that was sent home Oct. 18th.  Parent conferences are mandatory for the 1st trimester.

As report card season is quickly approaching, please keep in mind that ILCS assesses on end of the year mastery. This means that we are working towards mastery by the end of third grade. Many kiddos will not meet the end of the year mastery in the first trimester and could very well be a 2 in areas, as they work towards that end of year mastery of a 3. Keep in mind when looking at assessment logs, the % score is composed of several standards assessed in that test to come up with a total score. For example, a Reading Test is made up of several reading, writing, or language standards.  Within those standards being assessed, there can be a standard or so that a student is not showing mastery even though 80% is achieved.

A recent reading test pictured above shows five students and their final scores to the left. The fraction listed under each common core standard shows the correct answers over the total number of problems of that standard in the test. As you can see, most have a standard they have yet to show mastery on in some standards.  This is just one snapshot of what I am looking at over multiple assessments for the trimester.

This Week:
  • Read Athabascans
    • How do readers use evidence from the texts to understand what they read? How do writers include character dialogue and actions to affect the events in the story?
  • Writing:  Begin Expository/Informative writing  
  • Spelling: Compound Words
1. sunglasses
2. football
3. homework
4. haircut
5. popcorn
6. railroad
7. snowstorm
8. earring
9. scarecrow
10. blueberry
11. butterflies
12. lawnmower
13. campground
14. sandbox
15. toothbrush
Challenge Words
16. thumbtack
17. earthquake
18. scrapbook
19. courthouse
20. whirlpool
  • Continue Topic 5 - Understanding patterns in multiplication (If your child needs/wants extra practice for the Topic, it is always assigned to them from their pretest titled Additional practice for Topic _.)
Science: Continue Forces in Motion Stemscope. Below are some pictures of groups working on measuring the distance a car travels on a ramp when the elevation is increased each time.

  • Math Facts due Daily
  • Google Classroom question due Friday
  • 4 Reading Log entries due Friday
Upcoming Dates:

  • Oct. 21st: Food drive begins
  • Oct. 29th: Apex Fun Run begins
  • Oct. 28th: Apex Fun Run Assembly
  • Oct. 31st: Spirit Day
  • Oct. 31st: 8th-grade leader buddies and games 11:15-1-sign up list went out by email
  • Nov. 1st: Last day to AR and meet goal
If you are able to help us out, we are in need of Kleenex boxes in our class. Now would be a great time to send them in if you can.  Have a great week Team Urban!