Friday, May 3, 2019

Week 34 May 6-10

Team Urban,

Morning test prep is complete.  I want to thank all the parents and their support during the early mornings these past several weeks.  Also, it does help that hot cocoa and donuts were served at the end of the morning times, thanks to Mrs. Pettit, Mrs. Amick, and Mrs. Casavan along with other parents who sent in supplies. THANK YOU!

State testing is finally here! Starting Monday, May 6th, and continuing through May 17th. Please plan all doctor and/or dentist appointments for after the school day and please be on time for school.  Make sure to send in extra snacks in your child's lunch as I will be allowing them to snack during testing.

PLEASE send in clear and cleaned Frappucino bottles into class by Wednesday.  We are using them for a project.

On Monday, our YAPS grade level Penny Wars fundraiser will begin. Please send in pennies to add to our class jar, and other denominations of change to add to the other classroom jars. We will count it up at the end of the year with students to present to our local YAPS.

Final Class Market: May 28th @8:15am in Lions' Den

ELA: state testing all week

Spelling: No more spelling:)

Students will be reviewing sample test questions from state practice tests.

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday: 180 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log

Dates to Remember:
May 6th - 17th: SBACC testing
Monday, May 27th: No school
Tuesday, May 28th: Class Market/On-Campus Field Trip
Friday, May 31st: AR deadline, 2nd-grade visits, Summer Sendoff, ILF Summer Social
Monday, June 3rd: Class Party 12-1
Tuesday, June4th: Awards Assembly
Wednesday, June 5th: Last day of school: Field Day