Sunday, November 25, 2018

Week 15 Nov. 26-30th

Team Urban,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!  I am so thankful for each of these kiddos and their families. I have missed their faces and can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!

A huge thank you to our room mom dynamic duo Mrs. Casavan and Mrs. Pettit and all those who donated their time and goodies to our feast. We truly cannot do what we do alone and appreciate your continued support. 

Before we went on break, students completed the IAB (Interim Assessment Blocks) for ELA and Math. You will see their scores on the November assessment log which will be sent home this Friday.

As we come back from a week off, please know many things will be happening from now until Christmas Break.

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday:
80 minutes (4 entries) in Reading Log 
"Turn In" Google Classroom writing

Begin reading: City Homes (non-fiction)
Conventions: adverbs
Writing: compare and contrast    
Spelling: prefixes: un-, re-, dis-, mis-

1. disagree
2. disappear
3. dishonest
4. dislike
5. mislead
6. misspell
7. mistake
8. react
9. recall
10. replace
11. replay
12. unhappy
13. unknown
14. unload
15. unroll

Begin Topic #6: Connect area to multiplication and addition  
POST TEST TOPIC 6: December 6th

Dates to Remember: 
Friday, December 7th: Angel Tree presents due
Monday, December 3rd: Start of Electives, Second Session & Success Academy- 2nd Trimester
Saturday, December 8th: Yucaipa Christmas Parade from 11:00am - 1:00pm 
Monday, December 10th: Grandparents Day from 8:00am - 11:00am
Monday, December 10th: Winter Performance 3rd grade 5:45pm
Thursday, December 20th: CLASS PARTY 12-1
December 21st-January 7th: Winter break

Have a great week Team Urban!